
October 3, 2016

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W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 33 O C T O B E R 3 , 2 0 1 6 scale. From the 1940s to 1990s, under the third and fourth genera- tions' stewardship, the farm became one of Maine's largest, and fi rst to implement consumer packaging and trucking to cities. In 1984, the fi fth generation further innovated with broccoli production. Since 1997, when Emily became a partner — followed by Zach in 2004 and Tara in 2012 —operations have greatly expanded in geography and products. e company has expanded its growing operations into Florida, North Carolina and California, allow- ing the company to harvest produce year-round. Real-time shipping and product traceability programs were implemented in 2008. While broccoli is a staple for the company, additional crops include caulifl ower, lettuce, cabbage, bok choy, grain and barley. Today, the farm is the largest producer of broccoli and caulifl ower on the East Coast, mar- keting under the Stag Brand. In 2014, Smith's completed a 100,000-square- foot renovation of its Westfi eld cooling-and-packing facility, install- ing the largest privately owned solar facility in Maine. For Smith, the sixth genera- tion's job of heading the farm was a no-brainer. "I think everybody knew my cousin Zach and I were the ones coming back [after college]," she says. "We recruited my sister Tara to handle marketing because her back- ground made her the perfect fi t. e more family, the better." Smith got her start picking pota- toes at age 5. "I was not the most productive, obviously, but I got to rise with the pickers and go to work," she says. "I was just happy to be out there with everybody." She was 10 or 11 when the farm diversifi ed into broccoli. She worked in the harvest crew, drove the tractor, cultivated and mowed. She did "all kinds of stuff . It was really fun," she says. In high school she was active with Future Farmers of America, and continued to work at the farm while attending Northern Maine Community College. She trans- ferred to California Polytechnic State University to study crop science and make connections with other growers. Returning to Maine, she jumped in as farm manager, then cooler manager, where she learned shipping and receiv- ing. At the same time, she spearheaded human resources, managing the migrant labor crew — some have been with the farm nearly 30 years — and facilitating their travel to Smith's Farm sites around the country. General management came natu- rally, after working every position over the years and learning how to fi t all the pieces together. "It's quite an opportunity to take over something that's been going on for so long," she says. "But with opportunity comes a lot of responsi- bility. I'm not sure this work ethic that we were born with is exactly healthy, but we certainly are driven." at begs the question: How much time does she put in? "In season, the work is hard to put down," she says. " ere's bound to be some issues somewhere. If someone calls at 4 o'clock in morning look- ing for another truck to load produce out of the cooler, you fi nd it. If you're fl ying crew across the country and somebody gets stuck, you fi x it." Today, farming around the country, "in season" means year-round. With the rest of the team, Smith's respon- sibilities include ensuring operations stay competitive by keeping up with technology that maximizes the poten- tial of every acre and ensures fast market delivery. at's not easy in an industry that depends on the weather. " ere's always someone else knock- ing on your customer's door," she says. "We're farmers and we work hard, but we realize this operation isn't a given. You can't just be status quo. You've got to keep your eye out there for the next opportunity, whether it's a diff erent crop or a new technology. But that's one of the cool aspects of being a generational farm. We've been told since we were kids that this is an opportunity and you grow it and leave it to the next genera- tion better than you got it. e genera- tion before was doing it for you, and you're doing it for the next. at's pretty strong for all of us." L a u r i e S c h r e i b e r , a w r i t e r b a s e d i n B a s s H a r b o r , c a n b e r e a c h e d a t l a u r i e @ m a i n e p r o f i l e s . c o m Caribou offers the right combination of assets when choosing a location to expand your existing business or relocate your firm: • Being at the pivotal market place for Maine and to break into the Canadian market place • A team of experts that can help in every stage of business planning for new businesses, business expansion, and to help take any business to the next level • A combination of tax incentives, financing options, and land opportunities that are hard to beat • A well trained workforce that is ready to work • Easy access to a number of higher education opportunities to assist with employee development and growth Visit or contact Austin Bleess at 207-493-5962 to find out more. Grow In Caribou! The place to live, work, and play in Maine. Smith's Farm 99 Fort Fairfield Road, Suite 1, Presque Isle President: Emily Smith Employees: Maine in-season, 300; year-round, 25 full-time Annual sales revenue: $30 million Contact: (800) 393-9898

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