
October 3, 2016

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W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 23 O C T O B E R 3 , 2 0 1 6 Brian Corcoran, CEO of Shamrock Sports and Entertainment, led the charge to bring those events here. In addition to that work, Shamrock serves as a matchmaker, helping sports leagues, venues and philanthropies fi nd corporate spon- sors and naming rights. Its client roster includes the 2017 World Rowing Championships and TD Beach to Beacon 10K Road Race. It also includes Military Adaptive Sports Inc., host of the 2016 Invictus Games, an event created by Prince Harry for injured members of the military. Corcoran, an Old Orchard Beach native, earned a bachelor's in exercise physiology and a master's in sports administration from Eastern Kentucky University. He spent 20 years in sports marketing. He was managing director of corporate marketing for NASCAR and later was executive vice president of Fenway Sports Group, Boston-based owner of the Red Sox and Roush Fenway Racing. At FSG, he developed corporate partnerships for Roush Fenway Racing, the Red Sox and other properties. In 2010, Corcoran returned to Maine. "Portland was where opportunity on the business side met quality of life," says Corcoran, 47. "I was able to invest in the business instead of a New York or Boston lifestyle." He now has 10 employees and fi eld offi ces in Atlanta in New York. Being based in Portland helps him compete for business, he says. Having lower operating costs than the big-city agencies allows him to off er more competitive pricing. He can share a greater risk-reward balance with clients on lower management and sales retainer fees and lean more heavily upon performance-based partnerships. Observers say that Shamrock's work has a posi- tive ripple eff ect on the local economy long after the deals are sealed. "It really puts Portland and Maine on the map," says Greg Mitchell, Portland's director of eco- nomic development. " e more you expose people to Portland, the more they fall in love with it and want to come back. And you hope you can capture a percentage of them to support growth of the work force, entrepreneurs and business recruitment." Corcoran also plows time into mentoring Maine's next generation of business leaders. Some 40 college students and recent grads have partici- pated in Shamrock's paid apprenticeship program, and many have gone on to work for organizations like the New York Mets and NASCAR. " ey get hands-on experience while they work here," Corcoran says. "And we get to tap into their know-how, innovation and understanding of what's fresh and hip. ose insights are priceless." Shamrock has three former apprentices on staff and he hopes those who have left Maine will even- tually bring their expertise back home, like he did. In 2014, Corcoran founded Portland Media Group LLC, a fi lm, television and internet production com- pany that creates TV series, fi lms and music specials. Last year, it partnered with organizers of Maine Startup and Create Week to create "Greenlight Maine," a real- ity TV show where entrepreneurs pitch their ideas to judges and vie for a $100,000 prize. e show, which airs on WCSH-TV in Portland and WLBZ-TV in Bangor, is now in its second season. More than 150 entrepreneurs auditioned and past winners include Garbage to Garden, a curbside composting service. Nurturing up-and-coming innovators also helps the economy, Mitchell says. "It transfers the technical expertise from expe- rienced entrepreneurs to the next generation and increases their chances of success," says Mitchell. "And creating those connections shows [young entrepreneurs] that it can be done here." Corcoran lives in Falmouth with his two-year- old son and his wife, WEX Inc. President and CEO Melissa Smith. On the job, he draws on the determination he developed while running cross country and track at the Division 1 level. Many staff ers are former stu- dent athletes too. And this, he says, creates a corpo- rate culture of passion, performance and teamwork. "It's this positive can-do atmosphere," he says. " ey've got that competitive spirit, and are con- stantly looking for ways to be better. And that's contagious. Which is good because we're only as good as the next deal we secure." J e n n i f e r Van A l l e n, a w r i te r ba s e d i n Ya r m o u t h , c a n b e r e a c h e d a t e D i T o r i a l @ m a i n e b i Z . b i Z Shamrock Sports & Entertainment 215 Commercial St., Suite 200, Portland 04101 Founded: 2010 Employees: 10 Contact: (207) 899-0490 / Leading a business is a team endeavor with all the risk and excitement of competitive racing. You're at the helm, you have a strong crew, but it often takes something more than your core team to win in business. We can help. CFA is an investment banking firm working with small and medium-sized businesses and investors to achieve their goals through one or a series of transactions which may include buying, selling or arranging financing for their businesses. For more information and expert advice call us at - 207-772-2221 7 5 M a r k e t S t • P o r t l a n d , M E • c f a w . c o m / p o r t l a n d / CORPORATE FINANCE ASSOCIATES Peter G. Moore Peter B. Ventre Samuel W. Adams Craig O. Allsopp M e r g e r s , A c q u i s i t i o n s & C a p i t a l R e s o u r c e s S e c u r i t i e s O f f e r e d Th r o u g h C o r p o r a t e F i n a n c e S e c u r i t i e s, I n c . • M e m b e r F I N R A / S I P C Leading to Win 207.504.5900 FOLLOW US @ceiwomenbiz LIKE US JOIN US "Under the dark cloud of a global financial crisis and uncertain economy, the support we received from CEI in this rural and distressed region of the state was a critical piece of the puzzle, making the whole deal come together." ~ Matthew Polstein, President, New England Outdoor Center Innovative business lending and investing

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