
October 3, 2016

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V O L . X X I I N O. X X I I I O C T O B E R 3 , 2 0 1 6 14 developed a portfolio of design and branding campaign clients that include Dunkin' Donuts, L.L.Bean, Four Seasons Resort, the National Park Service, Evian and Hotel Belair. Masse brings a background in business and science to her role as director of busi- ness development, having worked in research at the Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor and the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics at Harvard Medical School. Without explicitly saying it about themselves, Haff ord and Masse clearly hope they are the vanguard of a shift in the trend of residents leaving the Katahdin Region to fi nd their fortunes elsewhere. "Being part of the creative economy, we could have located anywhere," she says, noting that she and her husband were drawn to the Katahdin Region by its world-class scenic beauty, its limitless recreational opportunities, the small-town feeling of Millinocket and the opportunity to be part of a grass- roots rebuilding eff ort that they both recognize is just getting underway. Since relocating to Millinocket, Haff ord and Masse have immersed themselves in working with a num- ber of local business and community development groups to get a dialogue going on how to rebrand the Katahdin Region and build some momentum to capitalize on the national monument designation. A critical step, they say, is to expand high-speed internet access as a way of luring entrepreneurs who, like themselves, can work anywhere. " e fact this is going to be put on a map of the National Park Service is huge," Haff ord says. " eir brand is global." Connecting with the outdoors North Light Gallery, founded by artist Marsha Donahue in 2004, is located at intersection of Penobscot Avenue and the road leading to the entrance to Baxter State Park 16 miles away. e gallery features several of Donahue's bold large-scale oil paint- ings inspired by the region's moun- tains and numerous lakes, as well as watercolors, photographs and prints, ceramics and high-end crafts by 12 well-known interior Maine artists. Donahue and Polstein were joined by Anita Mueller of Moose Prints Gallery and Gail Fanjoy, president of the Katahdin Chamber of Commerce, as Katahdin Region advocates honored last month by the Natural Resources Council of Maine as "con- servation leaders" for their eff orts in support of the national monument. "Businesses turned the tide," Donahue says of the long and often divisive local debate over Roxanne Quimby and her son Lucas St. Clair's eff orts to gain national park or monument status for their Elliotsville Plantation holdings. "We hosted meetings once a month in the gallery, sketching out the whole thing. We absolutely believe it's going to have a positive economic eff ect. It's all part of a quiet master plan to make this more of a recreation destination area." Like Haff ord and Masse, Donahue says she chose to live in Millinocket N O R T H E R N M A I N E F O C U S K nowing all of your audiences, how they influence your Kthey influence your K business, and the best way to communicate with them is essential to immediate success and sustainable growth. In a state with Maine's make- up – small, but dynamic cities surrounded by strong rural sensibilities all sharing a closely guarded identity – it's even more essential. The context requires a diverse approach and thoughtful messaging that not only obtains the visibility you desire, but can turn your audiences into advocates, engage stakeholders and decision makers, and achieve communal buy-in for Call (207) 619-7350 today. Learn how a comprehensive public relations strategy can turn your audiences into advocates. Have you armed your growth strategy for success in Maine? your growth plans. It can be the difference between zoning approval, supportive policy, or a lucrative partnership. Broadreach Senior Strategist Jason Sulham has over 15 years of experience managing these complex efforts for businesses and coalitions. He appreciates the impact successful audience engagement can have on a company's growth plans and knows how to achieve it. Call Broadreach to learn how a comprehensive public relations strategy can turn your audiences into advocates, positively engage stakeholders, and accelerate your success. » C O N T I N U E D F RO M P R E V I O U S PA G E P H O T O / JA M E S M C C A R T H Y Marsha Donahue and her husband, Wayne Curlew, co-owners of the North Light Gallery in Millinocket, say the Katahdin Region draws visitors from every corner of the globe.

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