
September 19, 2016

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V O L . X X I I N O. X X I S E P T E M B E R 1 9 , 2 0 1 6 26 Maine companies off er wellness initiatives, she has witnessed the growth. " e national trend is toward employee wellbeing, where the wellness program isn't just about physical activities you can do in the workplace," she says. "It's more of a well-being program, and incorporates everything employees need for support. For example, it includes such things as fi nancial wellness, which is a big part of stress management." Wellness plans have a range of offerings e Maine State Council of the Society for Human Resources Management recently announced its fi nal- ists for th e "Best Places to Work in Maine 2016." From the fi nalists' responses, Mainebiz has compiled a sampling of wellness programs around Maine: ¡ The Geiger Group, Lewiston-based publisher of the Farmers' Almanac, has a robust "Wellness Works" program. e program started as a grass- roots initiative, but has evolved into a sophisti- cated program based on the idea that the best way to keep down health care costs is to keep associates well and help them manage health challenges. e program includes onsite biomet- ric testing with incentives for achieving ratings in the normal or healthy ranges, coupled with "know your numbers" consultations with an onsite nurse. ere's also an eight-week wellness coaching program for those who want to impact their numbers. A fi tness center off ers member- ship for $1 per week for associates and up to two guests. Another program allows associates to earn points for getting a fl u shot or engaging in exercise, blood pressure testing, weight man- agement, a 5k run or one of the "lunch 'n learn" events. Points are applied to a drawing for cash gifts ranging from $50 to $200. "Weigh to go" is a weight loss support group with weekly weigh-ins and incentives. A farmers market allows associ- ates to purchase a share or buy from the open market. A "NutriSavings" program encourages healthier eating through fi nancial incentives and discounts at the supermarket, off ering recom- mendations for healthy options. ¡ Bangor Savings Bank this year reinvigorated its focus on wellness by incorporating chair massages, workplace fi tness challenges and a stress-reduc- tion series of educational workshops. To increase physical activity among teams, the company in 2015 provided every employee with a free Fitbit and launched several bank-wide activity challenges, such as a "Scale the Trail," which simulates hiking the Maine portion of the Appalachian Trail. ¡ Allagash Brewing Co. in Portland contributes $25 each pay period to health savings accounts, and pays 100% of other health and disability insur- ances immediately after hire. e company built a free fi tness studio and yoga room with show- ers and locker rooms. ere's an employee lounge with games like ping-pong and darts. Fitness classes include high-intensity interval training and strength training. ere's onsite massage. e company recently purchased surfboards, stand- up paddleboards and canoes so people can sign them out via a "Gash Gear Library." Two shared cruiser bikes are designated for running errands or riding on lunch breaks. roughout the winter, Allagash has fresh fruit available. Spring through fall, Allagash has a weekly Community Supported Agriculture program for employees. Get fit while getting paid New wellness programs encourage work-life balance B y L a u r i e S c h r e i b e r Practicing sound medicine depends more than ever on sound data management. And ITS has over 25 years of experience assisting healthcare organizations with design, implementation, performance-tuning and management of IT systems. We can handle everything from hardware infrastructure design and assistance 24/7/365...because medical professionals don't just work 9-5. I T S O LU T I O N S TO P O W E R YO U R G R O W T H W H E N DATA C A N B E A M AT T E R O F L I F E O R D E AT H . . . . . .T R U S T T H E E X P E R I E N C E O F I T S . I T S N E . C O M / H E A LT H " L E T ' S H O P E O U R I T S Y S T E M H A S T H E R I G H T PAT I E N T DATA ." Pr m orga of a W . . " L E T ' S » C O N T I N U E D F R O M C O V E R P H O T O / C O U R T E S Y O F A L L A G A S H B R E W I N G C O. Allagash Brewing Co. is one of a growing number of companies stemming health care costs by offering a greater array of wellness programs. Allagash offers yoga classes, fi tness studio, strength training, showers and lockers. Employees also have access to canoes, standup paddleboards and even surfboards. F O C U S

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