
September 19, 2016

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V O L . X X I I N O. X X I S E P T E M B E R 1 9 , 2 0 1 6 14 B U S I N E S S M A I N E B U S I N E S S M A I N E B U S I N E S S N E W S F RO M A RO U N D T H E S TAT E warehouse will mean more inven- tory to meet the growing demands of our diverse customers. Plus, we'll — again — add new members to our team." e expanded site will have new frozen, refrigerated and dry- product storage in addition to extra offi ce space and a test kitchen. e warehouse expansion is just the lat- est development from the company, which has created over 120 jobs since 2002 and completed a 20,000-square- foot expansion in Hampden in 2012. Wayfair's expansion set with Bangor opening e Boston-based online home goods retailer Wayfair opened the doors of its Bangor customer service center in early September, seven months after it announced it would bring 450 jobs to the city. "We are excited to join the local Bangor community and build upon the area's tremendous legacy in customer service," Liz Graham, vice president of sales and service at Wayfair, said in a statement. "We have always oriented our business to best serve our customers and are confi dent that the expansion of our world-class service team in Bangor will help us continue to raise the bar on customer service excellence." Wayfair's Bangor location is the company's second offi ce to open in Maine this year, following the launch of a sales and operations location in Brunswick in May. Combined, the two centers are projected to create nearly 1,000 jobs in the state. UMaine STEM project to get NSF grant Researchers at the University of Maine in Orono will get a $299,451 grant from the new National Science Foundation INCLUDES program aimed at diversifying and boosting participation by women and minorities in STEM fi elds. It is one of 37 such grants made nationally. "Participation of these groups in STEM isn't proportional to the numbers across Maine and the United States," said Mohamad Musavi, principal investigator on the new project and associate dean at UMaine's College of Engineering. Nationwide, only about 18% of females participate in engineering and even fewer partici- pate in Maine, with 15% in engineer- ing. e grant starts on Jan. 1, 2017, and ends in December 2018. Burt's Bees co-founder's tiny house headed south e 300-square-foot converted turkey coop in Parkman that Burt Shavitz called home will be put on display at Burt's Bees' corporate headquarters in Durham, N.C. Shavitz founded the personal care product com- pany with philanthropist Roxanne Quimby. Shavitz moved back into the bare-bones shelter, which had no running water, following a fi re that damaged his home in 2015, according to the Associated Press. It was also featured in the documentary about Shavitz, "Burt's Buzz." Trevor Folsom, Shavitz's former personal assistant, who inherited the structure, told the Associated Press: "I just felt that it should always be taken care of, no matter what." It will be available for public viewing in November, accord- ing to the AP. N O T E W O R T H Y N O R T H E R N & E A S T E R N Richard Brown, CEO of the Charlotte White Center in Dover-Foxcroft, an- nounced that he will retire no later than June 30, 2017. Brown served as CEO of the center, which provided provides health and social services for adults, children and families affected by cog- nitive or developmental disabilities, behavioral or mental health challenges, domestic violence, cerebral palsy or acquired brain injuries, for 38 years. U.S. Sen. Susan Collins said that the Bangor Community Connector Public Transit System will receive $1,441,600 in grant funding through the Federal Transit Administration's Buses and Bus Facilities Grants Program. John Kuropchak, president of the United Way of Eastern Maine in Bangor, announced he will retire on Dec. 31, 2016. Kuropchak spent eight years as president of the organization. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services awarded $200,000 to Cary Medical Center in Caribou as part of its Small Health Care Provider Quality Improvement Program. The pro- gram provides three years of funding support to rural primary care providers for implementation of quality improve- ment activities. The MMG Center for Professional Development opened at the University of Maine at Presque Isle. University of Maine Athletics and University Credit Union in Orono an- nounced a continuation of their integrat- ed relationship for another three years. We're here. We're local. We're independent... Employee Benefits Team PAQUIN & CARROLL INSURANCE Toll free: 800-287-1486 ...and we won't drop the ball. We're there when it matters most with friendly, trusted insurance advice. We can help you find the most affordable health care plan with no additional cost to you or your company. Give our team a call today! 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This is a great forum to put a face with a This is a great forum to put a face with a This is a great forum to put a face with a name plus make new business connections. name plus make new business connections. name plus make new business connections. u admission is free u complimentary hors d'oeuvres u cash bar R EGI ONAL SPONSORS Sept. 29 | 5–7pm | The Homestead, 186 Broadway The Homestead, 186 Broadway The Homestead, 186 Broadway The Homestead, 186 Broadway The Homestead, 186 Broadway The Homestead, 186 Broadway The Homestead, 186 Broadway FARMINGTON FOLLOW US @MBEVENTS #OTRFarmington16

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