Hartford Business Journal

September 12, 2016 — CFO of the Year Awards

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For more B2B news visit SEPTEMBER 12, 2016 Volume 24, Number 41 $3.00 Subscribe online JOIN US! 'BLACK TIE & BLUE JEANS' ANNIVERSARY EVENT WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 14, 2016 CT CONVENTION CENTER | HARTFORD 20th ANNIVERSARY 19 9 7-2 0 16 G R E AT E R H A R T F O R D ' S B U S I N E S S N E W S w w w. H a r t f o rd B u s i n e s s . c o m Index ■ Reporter's Notebook: PG. 5 ■ Week in Review: PG. 6 ■ Deal Watch: PG. 9 ■ Movers & Shakers: PG. 27 ■ Opinion & Commentary: PG. 28 Regulation Reform Connecticut's first overhaul of its consumer-finance and banking statutes in a long while aims to ease borrowers' tensions in dealing with various lenders and make it easier for businesses to obtain export financing. PG. 3 EXECUTIVE PROFILE Serving a Purpose Jennifer Holcomb has worked more than 20 years in the restaurant industry at well-known eateries throughout the region, but she's found something special and different at Firebox Restaurant in Hartford. PG. 8 Couple aims to build CT's largest makerspace By Matt Pilon mpilon@HartfordBusiness.com A n Avon couple hopes to kick Connecticut's burgeoning "makerspace" movement up a few notches, and they may have the funding to do it. Bryan Patton and his wife Devra Sisitsky, co-founders of an effort to build in Hartford what would be the state's largest maker- space, said they've raised approx- imately $1.3 million and are aim- ing to double that amount in the months ahead to get the space up and running. Patton owns a home construc- tion business and has been a self- described hobbyist and tinkerer for much of his life. Sisitsky has started several companies over the years and worked in health insur- ance and consulting. Makerspace is a broad term that generally describes a communal space where a group of collabora- tors or "makers" work on projects in a variety of mediums, from woodworking and metalwork- ing to computer coding and elec- tronics. Connecticut has at least Bryan Patton and his wife Devra Sisitsky show off a design concept of their planned maker- space for Hartford's Colt Armory complex. Continued on page 10 H B J P H O T O | M A T T P I L O N Special Section Pages 13-26 2 0 1 6 Honoring Chief Financial Officers for their outstanding performance and committment

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