
September 5, 2016

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V O L . X X I I N O. X X S E P T E M B E R 5 , 2 0 1 6 8 B U S I N E S S M A I N E B U S I N E S S M A I N E B U S I N E S S N E W S F RO M A RO U N D T H E S TAT E Scarborough, announced the creation of a competitive youth climbing team. Maine Medical Center in Portland awarded 116 scholarships totaling $109,000 supporting the continuing education of its current nurses and employees who aspire to be nurses in the future, pursuing nursing degrees including associate, bachelor, master and doctorate degrees. The Boyne Foundation in Buford, Ga., donated more than $503,600 to the Southern Maine Community College Foundation, the largest gift ever made to the foundation. It will be used to establish an endowed scholarship fund, known as the Boyne Family Scholarship Fund, that will benefi t stu- dents enrolled in the South Portland college's nursing program. Auburn developer sells trio of retail centers Developer George Schott closed on the sale of a trio of retail properties in Auburn for a total of $20 million in cash and real estate on Aug. 23, the Portland Press Herald reported. e deal includes Hobby Lobby Plaza, the Mt. Auburn Plaza and Nobility Plaza. e buyers were omas Auger Jr. and Nancy Auger Hunt, son and daughter of the late omas Auger Sr., founder of VIP Discount Auto Center. According to the Press Herald, in exchange for the retail center, Schott received an Auburn- based Applebee's restaurant, valued at $3.6 million, and $16.4 million in cash. Schott was represented by Craig Young, partner at CBRE | e Boulos Co., in Portland. L/A airport to use $899K to expand apron Airports across the state continue to receive federal grant funding for projects. e latest is the Auburn- Lewiston Airport, which will receive $899,480 to aid in the expansion and rehabilitation of the airport's ter- minal aircraft apron. e offi ces of U.S. Sens. Angus King and Susan Collins say the project will include the expansion of th e existing termi- nal aircraft apron to connect to the heavy aircraft itinerant apron, both located adjacent to the main terminal of the airport. "Regional airports across Maine help to strengthen the economies of the surrounding communities and connect our state," Collins and King said in a joint state- ment. e project will also include a full-depth reconstruction of the existing terminal aircraft apron. e expansion of the terminal ramp will improve the fl ow of aircraft traf- fi c between the runways and the terminal aircraft apron. Bethel-based Cross Excavation was awarded the project after winning the competi- tive bid in March 2016. Construction could wrap up by late October. N O T E W O R T H Y C E N T R A L & W E S T E R N The Maine Arts Commission in Augusta awarded a total of $377,000 in grants to artists, nonprofi t arts orga- nizations and arts educators through- out the state of Maine. The Maine Association of Mental Health Services and the Maine Association of Substance Abuse Programs merged to form the Alliance for Addiction and Mental Health Services, Maine. The organizations sighted declining resources and crisis level need as reasons for the merger. The city of Gardiner received a $12,300 challenge grant from the Bicycle Coalition of Maine in Portland to support the community's ongoing bicycle and pedestrian proj- ects, including the extension of the Cobbossee Trail. Blue Marble Geographics, a Hallowell developer and provider of software products and services for highly accurate geospatial data conversion solutions, said that Intermap Technologies in Englewood, Colo. signed an Enterprise License Agreement providing unrestricted access to Global Mapper and the Global Mapper LiDAR Module throughout the company's data man- agement and processing operations. Waterman's Beach Lobster to close after 30 years A James Beard Award-winning lobster shack in South omaston M I D C O A S T & D O W N E A S T C E N T R A L & W E S T E R N

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