Hartford Business Journal

CT Green Guide Fall 2016

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Call 877-WISE-USE (877-947-3873) or visit EnergizeCT.com/businesses to find the latest energy-efficient solutions for businesses big or small. An investment in efficiency can help you reinvest in your business. A partnership with Eversource connects you to a wide range of energy-efficient solutions. Solutions that create energy cost savings you can reinvest in other areas of your business. Like Matt Lynch of Lynch Motors. He took advantage of our energy solutions and greatly reduced his monthly energy costs, allowing him to improve the safety, comfort, and all-around appearance of his building. Our energy experts will identify the right electric and natural gas energy strategies, including LED lighting, heating and cooling equipment, control systems, and more. We'll also connect you to low-interest financing* options and incentives, along with qualified contractors to get you on the road to saving money and reinvesting it back into your business. Paid for by a charge on customer energy bills. *Interest rates vary by eligibility. Working with Eversource and Energize Connecticut, I was introduced to more-efficient LED lighting. The brightness and quality of the new lighting drastically improved the overall presence of the business and reduced my monthly energy costs by 25%. Plus, the financing program made implementing the lighting upgrades more affordable, allowing me to invest in other areas of the business— including training, advertising, and other building upgrades. —Matt Lynch, Vice President of Lynch Motors PUBLICATION Full Page LIVE 6.875 x 9.375 TRIM 7.125 x 9.625 BLEED 7.375 x 9.875 CT Green Guide

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