
July 11, 2016

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B Y O N T H E R E C O R D W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 25 J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6 " " " " Colors Pantone 2747 Pantone 1807 IT Solutions Designed for Your Business Finding the right IT partner is one of the most important decisions your company can make. At WGTECH, making information technology work for your business is our core competency. We develop individualized solutions that help you grow your business, improve operations, and boost efficiency. We're Northern New England's resource for advanced technology – we'd like to partner with you. 207.856.5300 Build a Better Technology Environment In the five years since Maine Department of Marine Resources Commissioner Patrick Keliher took on the agency's leadership, he and his team have played a central role in making the state's commercial fishing industry stronger. B Y L A U R I E S C H R E I B E R P H O T O / T I M G R E E N WAY Patrick Keliher, commissioner of the Maine Department of Marine Resources, addresses issues ranging from the booming elver industry to the three-year closure of the shrimp fi shery. T he industry reached an all-time high in value in 2015, earning harvesters just over $616.55 million, a gain of $33 million over the previous record set in 2014. With the economic impact on dealers and related busi- ness, the industry has an overall value of closer to $2 billion. Maine products range from the fl agship lobster to the elver, or baby eel, which fetched $1,435 a pound in the recent season. Mainebiz recently talked with Keliher about some of the challenges facing the state's commercial fi shing industry. An edited transcript follows. Mainebiz: What are today's press- ing concerns for the industry? Pat Keliher: e changing ocean environment is a major challenge. Water temperatures in the Gulf of Maine are rising and, while it's been associated with the presence of new commercial species like black sea bass, it's also been linked to invasive species like green crabs, the decline of species like shrimp and a shift of Maine's lob- ster resource up the coast. I'd say that challenge is only going to grow. MB: How has DMR addressed sus- tainability in the lobster industry? PK: We're planning to invest more department resources in research to ensure we're not only able to eff ec- tively monitor Maine's valuable lobster resource but also to predict changes that impact the resource and allow us to put forward adaptive management and regulatory changes. As a result of a motion I made in April, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission's lobster technical committee will conduct an in-depth analysis of various issues associated with lobster stocks, ocean currents and management measures in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank. e goal of this research is to better understand and adapt to the changing ocean environment. MB: If the lobster population is shifting up the coast, will the fi sh- ery remain viable for Maine? PK: I'm confi dent that Maine's lobster fi shery will remain viable, because Maine fi shermen remain committed to conservation and sustainable har- vesting practices. e current historic landings are not likely to last, so we must improve our ability to predict and adapt to change. MB: In what ways is the DMR dealing with the shutdown of the shrimp fi shery? PK: For the past two years, we've par- ticipated in a cooperative shrimp sam- pling program that, even as the fi shery is closed, allows managers to continue to gather important data that will help inform future management deci- sions. I also plan to bring together a small, geographically diverse group of industry members, including trappers and trawlers, to provide input on next steps in the fi shery. MB: Does aquaculture play a role as an alternative for fi shermen? PK: Aquaculture provides signifi - cant opportunity. Currently, all leases and licenses combined take up just over 1,300 acres. e total area could fi t inside Rockland Harbor. So the potential is substantial in terms of available area. ere's also growing interest among investors looking to meet increasing worldwide demand for food cultivated in Maine's pristine marine environment. MB: How has DMR managed cuts in both funding and staff? PK: We work hard to keep costs down through effi ciencies while continuing to maintain a high level of quality in the work we do and the customer ser- vice we provide. One way we've been able to accomplish this is through the implementation of innovative technology — namely the swipe-card system [which ensures that catches are properly tracked and minimizes poaching]. is system has allowed us to more cost eff ectively and effi - ciently manage our marine resources. rough cost savings, we've also been able to commit additional resources to scientifi c research, which will help us and our constituents plan for and adapt to environmental changes.

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