
July 11, 2016

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W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 9 J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6 effort to generate academic insights by refl ecting on digital media platforms and practices. Moody's and S&P upgraded Portland Water District's bond ratings to Aa3 and AA, respectively. The upgrades re- fl ect consistent practices of well-man- aged fi nancial operations particularly in debt service and liquidity. Paul Han, director of the center for outcomes research and evaluation at Maine Medical Center Research Institute in Scarborough, received a $5 million grant award from the Bristol- Myers Squibb Foundation, $400,000 from Maine Cancer Foundation and $200,000 from the Maine Economic Improvement Fund to launch the Maine Lung Cancer Prevention and Screening Initiative. The state-wide program is designed to engage pa- tients, caregivers and policy makers in a joint effort to reduce lung cancer, with a heavy emphasis on prevention, new screening techniques and robust analytics to identify areas for improve- ment in the patient experience. A pizza joint with ready clientele e new owner of Kennebec Pizza in downtown Hallowell is hoping that the planned construction on Water Street will make brick-oven-style pizza a hot commodity with hungry construction workers. Kevin Hachey told the Kennebec Journal that he acquired the business, equipment and inventory from Walker Investments, an investment group led by Hallowell Mayor Mark Walker's children. Before signing a sales agreement, Hachey spoke to other merchants about the impact upcoming construc- tion on Water Street could have on sales. "I've talked to a few business owners about it, and anything that takes away from business will be a challenge," Hachey told the news- paper. "Ideally, there'll still be people that are going to want to eat." Maine Stitching adds Stars and Stripes Skowhegan-based Maine Stitching Specialties said the recent Independence Day was the fi rst that its American fl ags were available WANNA SAVE $$$$? Maine Electrical Alliance Introduces The Exclusive LED Lighting Lease It's The Lease That Pays For Itself! FACT: Your savings will exceed your lease payment! FACT: Save up to 20% on your lighting bills! FACT: No upfront costs! FACT: LEDs extended life = less replacement bulbs over time! FACT: LEDs do not emit any heat — your A/C will reduce over time! If you're serious about saving on your business bills, then you seriously need to call us today! 1-888-666-1947 Certain restrictions apply. For 38 years, we've been providing 'em. Six Locations in Maine / 207.989.4824 / / Engineers w Environmental Scientists w Surveyors Sensible Solutions C E N T R A L & W E S T E R N

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