
May 30, 2016

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V O L . X X I I N O. X I I M AY 3 0 , 2 0 1 6 24 H R & R E C R U I T M E N T F O C U S benefi ts, "there is no single succession solution that works for all companies and cultures." "John has created what feels right for him, his family, and for the long- term viability of the fi rm as a whole," says Bergeron. Think like an owner VIA CEO Leeann Leahy says that in the weeks that the ESOP was announced, the 'think like an owner' mentality has already taken hold among VIA staff ers. "As long as we all grow and succeed together, we have the opportunity to grow and create personal wealth," she says. With the ESOP conversion, more details about the company's fi nancial performance are being shared com- pany-wide more often, with the hope that increased transparency will help enhance a sense of shared responsibil- ity among associates. " ere's a sense that we're a giant set of dominoes," Leahy says. "Everyone is responsible to everyone else. And we're a team to help each other out in the great times and support each other in the less than great times, sharing best practices back and forth." For group strategy director Dan Bailin, who moved to Portland six years ago from Connecticut, news about the ESOP reinforced his decision to stay in Maine for the long term. " e ESOP transfers the feeling of success and the pride of ownership that comes with entrepreneurship and running your own company," he says. "People have really begun to internal- ize that in how we work with clients and in the day-to-day operations of how we manage expenses and go about getting new business." In an industry where people move constantly, the ESOP makes VIA stand out as a place that people can make a long-term commitment, he adds. " e agency world can be very temporal, with the constant threat of being acquired by a holding company," says Bailin. "I have interviewed several people since the announcement, and the ESOP has been an exceedingly interesting recruitment tool for us." Stoking creativity e ESOP is just one of a throng of ini- tiatives that VIA has recently deployed to help woo the best and the brightest, and keep them inspired and energized. VIA retooled its vacation policy this year. Rather than off ering earned time off based on tenure, all VIA employees now have unlimited vacation time. e agency still off ers paid three-month paid maternity leave and one month paid paternity leave. Also new this year: each mother who must travel for work while she is breastfeeding gets a $500 budget to store and ship breast- milk back to her baby. In 2014, VIA launched a multi- pronged program called "Go. Do." It includes professional development opportunities and spontaneous events like lunchtime dance parties, snow sculp- ture contests and bocce ball tournaments. In October, VIA added "Hey You, Go. Do!" where agency leaders pick one employee at random to take an off -site adventure and report back to staff . ( e company handles all arrangements and expenses.) One VIA staff er was sent to New Hampshire the week- end before the presidential primaries. Another employee was randomly picked to go see the Broadway musi- cal "Hamilton" in New York. " e idea of 'Go. Do.' is to get people out of their comfort zones, do something that will challenge them intellectually and emotionally, and provide new experiences that bring that inspiration back to the agency," says Leahy. "It makes our work stron- ger and more creative." Another element of "Go. Do." is a sabbatical program launched in 2014. Any employee who has been with VIA for at least 10 years can apply for up to six weeks of paid leave plus a stipend for training. Cathy Robile, a senior accountant who has worked at VIA for 20 years, took the sabbatical with the intention of challenging stereotypes about aging. Last year, the 62-year-old hiked Mount Katahdin and Springer Mountain in Georgia — peaks on the opposite ends of the Appalachian Trail — then went to Montreal and became certifi ed to teach classical stretch, which is a combination of stretching, ballet and chiropractic movements. "Instead of sitting at a desk, I was doing something totally diff erent," she says. "It was a chance to get reinvigo- rated. I didn't know if I would fi nd something that I would rather do, or if they would have decided that I was superfl uous while I was gone. But I love my job and was anxious to get back. And I got welcoming hugs from everyone. It was such a boost" J V A , a w r i t e r b a s e d i n Ya r m o u t h , c a n b e r e a c h e d a t @ . Join our team and you can make a difference for millions of people AVANGRID is a diversified energy and utility company with operations in 25 states. We operate eight electric and gas utilities serving 3.1 million customers in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine and New York, and the second largest wind company with renewables operations headquartered in Portland, Oregon. AVANGRID is the global affiliate of Spanish energy leader Iberdrola SA. We welcome you to attend an AVANGRID Open House on: June 1, 2016 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. Senator Inn Conference Center 284 Western Avenue Augusta, Maine 04330 Explore our opportunities... Come join our team of over 7,000! We strive to be a great place to work; we are focused on hiring the best people. Based on your experience, knowledge and interest, there may be a position waiting for you. Employment opportunities include: Engineering (Electrical, Mechanical/Civil, Environmental); Information Technology; Electric Transmission & Distribution; Finance/ Accounting; Asset Management & Planning; Human Resources; Operations; Customer Service; Supply Chain/Purchasing; Regulatory; Corporate Security *Please bring a copy of your resume. To view and apply for career opportunities with our motivated and skilled team of professionals, visit visit * The Company is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages men and women, members of all racial and ethnic groups, individuals with disabilities and veterans to apply. Join Us! 16-0481 » C O N T I N U E D F RO M P R E V I O U S PA G E

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