
May 30, 2016

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W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 9 M AY 3 0 , 2 0 1 6 Next Step Maine, part of the Maine Development Foundation in Augusta, announced that $35,600 was awarded to 28 Maine employees who were nomi- nated by their employers for a 2016 Next Step Maine Employee of Promise scholarship. The program is a free statewide initiative that awards funds to Maine employees who are currently pursuing a bachelor's degree, associ- ate's degree or certificate program. Norway Savings Bank committed $10,000 to Tree Street Youth, a non- profit in Lewiston that supports educa- tion efforts of low income students. The funds will support the organiza- tion's Campaign for Growth. The Lewiston Auburn Economic Growth Council and the Finance Authority of Maine partnered to pro- vide working capital of $275,000 to eWaste Recycling Solutions in Auburn to enable the company to more effi- ciently make use of its existing space. Pantheon Guitars LLC in Lewiston announced an early payoff off of Maine Venture Fund's 2011 invest- ment in the company as well as all other debt financing. Robbinston LNG project to be put on market Downeast LNG, the developer behind a natural gas import and export ter- minal near the Washington County town of Robbinston, will be putting the project up for sale on July 1. e chairman of the board for Downeast LNG, George Petrides, said in a state- ment about the sale that the company believed an infrastructure investor, or similar industrial firm would be a better fit for the project. "We have reviewed our strategy and decided that an indus- trial player or a specialized investor such as an infrastructure fund is better suited to continue the permitting pro- cess and eventual build-out of the proj- ect," Petrides said. In addition to a stor- age tank and liquefaction facilities, the Downeast LNG terminal will include a 30-mile natural gas pipeline that will connect the facility to the existing Maritimes and Northeast Pipeline. NorDX will close Ellsworth lab NorDx Laboratories says that a rise in expenses and a drop in customer "They helped us stay calm in a crisis." —Danielle Toolan & Heidi MacVane, Co-Owners, Greener Postures Yoga Falmouth & South Portland What makes Chalmers Insurance Group the Local Heroes for business? Call the Local Heroes at 800-360-3000 or visit Like us on P R O U D L Y F E AT U R I N G "Two floods at our yoga studio—one during a class!—could have been devastating. But the Chalmers team always remained calm, clear and reassuring, from their immediate response through the successful completion of our claims." Read more about how Chalmers works with Greener Postures at: WANNA SAVE $$$$? Maine Electrical Alliance Introduces The Exclusive LED Lighting Lease It's The Lease That Pays For Itself! FACT: Your savings will exceed your lease payment! FACT: Save up to 20% on your lighting bills! FACT: No upfront costs! FACT: LEDs extended life = less replacement bulbs over time! FACT: LEDs do not emit any heat — your A/C will reduce over time! If you're serious about saving on your business bills, then you seriously need to call us today! 1-888-666-1947 Certain restrictions apply. M I D C O A S T & D O W N E A S T

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