
May 30, 2016

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V O L . X X I I N O. X I I M AY 3 0 , 2 0 1 6 28 U S I N E S S M A I N E I N S H O R T N E W S WO R T H Y P E O P L E A N D P E R F O R M A N C E S Capitol Region Education Council in Connecticut. The Southern Midcoast Maine Chamber in Brunswick hired Cory King as executive director. King was most recently the executive director of the Skowhegan Area Chamber of Commerce. [ P R O M O T I O N S ] The Bar Harbor Chamber of Commerce promoted Martha Search eld to executive director. Searchfi eld had been serving as interim director since January. Stantec, an engineer- ing and architecture fi rm in Scarborough, promoted Dan Taylor to senior structural engineer. Taylor has been a member of the fi rm's trans- portation group since 2011. Competitive Energy Services, an energy advisory fi rm in Portland, promoted Michelle Tham to director of analytics, Greg Smith to senior energy analyst and Matt Gamache to energy and renewables analyst. am was an ana- lyst, Smith was a member of the fi rm's analytical department and Gamache was an energy analyst. [ A P P O I N T M E N T S ] OHI, a nonprofi t in Hermon that pro- vides support and services to people with intellectual disabilities, autism and mental illness, elected Thad Zmistowski to its board of directors. Zmistowski is an attorney at Eaton Peabody in Bangor. NAI The Dunham Group, a real estate fi rm in Portland, said that Brad Moll was appointed to the board of the state program Land for Maine's Future. is governor-appointed board is the state's primary funding vehicle for conserving land for its natural and recreational value. [ A C H I E V E M E N T S ] The Professional Logging Contractors of Maine recognized Maine Senate President Michael Thibodeau and Maine House Speaker Mark Eves for their work on behalf of Maine loggers at its annual meeting. e organiza- tion also said it raised approximately $33,000 for the Log a Load for Kids Foundation to benefi t Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. Franklin Health Farmington Family Practice received National Committee for Quality Assurance Patient- Centered Medical Home recognition for using evidence-based, patient-cen- tered processes that focus on highly coordinated care and longā€term, par- ticipative relationships. e practice received Level 3, the highest status. Rachel Bouvier earned certifi ca- tion as an Envision Sustainability Professional through the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure. Bouvier is principal of rbouvier consult- ing, an economic and statistical analysis fi rm in Portland that specializes in envi- ronmental and natural resource issues. National Life Group announced that the city of Rockland will represent the state of Maine in its 2016 Main Streets Across America, a celebration of streets in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia that refl ect strong 'main street values' and play a central role in the communities in which they are located and have great stories to tell. The Trust To Conserve Northeast Forestlands in Brewer announced the latest loggers to become Master Logger certifi ed through the Northeast Master Logger Certifi cation Program including: Andy Dillon, AD Forestry Specialist, Madison; Chuck Ames, SDR Logging, Sebec; Wayne Tripp, WC Tripp Forest Products, Frankfort; David Gordon, David Gordon Logging, Farmington; Caleb and Corey Chaplin, Chaplin Logging, Naples; Greg Adams, GCA Logging, Avon; and Andrew Madden, AS Madden, Greenbush. In addition, Master Loggers Supporters Awards were presented to Jessica Leahy of the University of Maine's School of Forest Resources; Rodney Wales, former president of the Professional Logging Contractors of Maine; Doug Emmerthal of the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection's Forestry Division; and Bud Blumenstock, professor emeritus of forestry at the University of Maine. The Maine Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy in Augusta recognized Amanda Peterson as Maine's Financial Educator of the Year. Peterson is a business teacher at United Technologies Center in Bangor. Looking for exciting business events? Go to to view and post events. @ We help nonprofits help Maine. We help nonprofits help Maine. >$200 million in state income tax revenue Maine's nonprofit wages generate every year Media Partner: Sponsored by: Rachel Bouvier Dan Taylor Martha Search eld

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