
May 30, 2016

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W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 11 M AY 3 0 , 2 0 1 6 1-800-564-0111 | Augusta | Bangor | Brunswick | Ellsworth | Portland A Successful Business Starts with a Great Team Building your team of talented employees often can be as hard as keeping them satisfied. Our Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation Practice can assist you in attracting and retaining quality employees through the design and implementation of employee benefit plans and programs that help promote employee loyalty for employers of all sizes. We assist clients with the design, implementation and operation of tax-advantaged retirement plans; group benefit plans, such as health insurance (both fully insured and self- insured), dental insurance, term life insurance and short and long term disability; executive compensation plans; cafeteria plans; ERISA compliance; ACA compliance; and employee benefit issues in mergers and acquisitions. For more information, please contact Edward F. Feibel at 207-274-5266. F ederal agencies increased overall science and engineering funding by 6% in fi scal 2014 over the prior year to $30.8 billion spread across 996 aca- demic institutions, the fi rst increase in fi ve years. at's according to the most recent data from the National Science Foundation's National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics. During the period of rising funds, the number of academic institutions receiving funding rose by only one. Maine fared last in federal funding among the six New England states, with $38.5 million in fi scal 2014, down signifi cantly from the $52 million in fi s- cal 2013 for all science and engineering activities. " e main culprit is my agency," Michael Yamaner, survey statistician for the study, wrote in an email response to Mainebiz. "It looks like Maine universities did not get awarded as many NSF grants in fi scal 2014. [Funding] fell from $26.3 mil- lion to $14.7 million from fi scal 2013 to fi scal 2014." e University of Maine topped universities in the state in terms of the total federal funding it attracted at $22,841,600. e University of New England came in a distant second at $3,503,700. en came Maine Maritime Academy, the University of Maine system, Bowdoin, University of Southern Maine, Bates, Colby, UMaine Machias and Central Maine Community College. Of the University of Maine's total fund- ing, $17,680,300 went to research and develop- ment, while the University of New England got $3,478,100 for R&D. Bowdoin spent its entire funding on R&D, as did Colby and the University of Maine system. Maine Maritime Academy spent the largest part of its funds, $1,600,000, on facili- ties for instruction in science and engineering. In terms of federal agencies, the Department of Health and Human Services, NSF and the Department of Defense collectively provided 85% of all the federal funding in fi scal 2014. Of the three, HHS accounted for 57% of the total funding. e federal academic funding is in six catego- ries: research and development (up $1.5 billion in fi scal 2014), R&D plant (up $89 million), facilities and instruction equipment (up $7 million), fellow- ships and training (up $444 million), general sup- port (up $5 million) and other (up $334 million). e NSF also collects data on independent nonprofi t institutions in two of the six categories: R&D and R&D plant. During fi scal 2014, federal agencies funded 1,070 nonprofi ts to the tune of $6.4 billion, a decrease of 3% the prior fi scal year. e DoD accounted for the largest decrease in funding ($407 million). Massachusetts General Hospital received the most federal R&D and R&D plant funds ($350 million) among nonprofi ts in FY 2014, with HHS providing 99% of the funding. No Maine nonprofi t institutions ranked in the Top 10 for funding. B I Z M O N E Y B Y L O R I V A L I G R A Fed science, engineering funding up for first time in five years 2013 2014 Massachusetts 1,606,210 1,712,618 Connecticut 523,123 548,775 New Hampshire 160,008 161,092 Rhode Island 141,594 144,600 Vermont 79,648 88,226 Maine 52,016 38,498 All states and outlying areas $29,071,583 $30,762,640 Federal support to universities and colleges 1 , FY 2014 (Dollars in thousands) 1 All science and engineering activities S O U R C E : National Science Foundation

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