
May 16, 2016

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W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 17 M AY 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 From 2005-12, she served as presi- dent of the Maine Technology Institute. Prior to that she served as an associate director at e Rockefeller Foundation in New York City, where she managed a national grant and investment program dedicated to increasing employment in low-income communities. Bisson, who's stepping up after being a senior vice president in charge of CEI's small business counseling, natural resources and workforce devel- opment programs, brings to his new role as president 12 years of experience in a variety of leadership roles at CEI. "In many ways my current role has prepared me for this role," he says. "I'll be responsible for the implementation of all of our programs across the board, the day-to-day implementation as we, under Betsy's leadership, develop a new strategic plan over the next year. I'll be responsible for the implementation of that. Lending will come under me again, and our policy activities. My new role kind of combines all of the core activi- ties of CEI's nonprofi t organization." "I think the exciting opportunity about having both Keith and I work- ing together as president and CEO is that we bring really complementary experience and networks to our role as leaders of the organization," adds Biemann. "Obviously with the time I spent at MTI, I bring the lessons we learned there around entrepreneurship development, technology and innova- tion and how they can be a driver for higher wage jobs, for wealth creation in rural communities." Mission-driven investment Biemann and Bisson have the benefi t of an experienced staff of senior and mid- level offi cers who've worked closely with Phillips over the years in shaping CEI's investment strategies and policy direc- tions. Although both are unequivocal in asserting that CEI is not a "think-tank," a 2015 report by Senior Vice President Carla Dickstein, who oversees research and policy development at CEI, off ers a detailed policy roadmap for both the organization and the state that responds to four broad questions: 1. How do we create enough quality jobs to employ our young people, enable them to launch careers, buy homes and raise families? 2. How do we meet the needs of the unemployed and underemployed? 3. How do we attract talented young individuals and entrepreneurs to guarantee a future for the state? For more information contact Rebekah Roy at 207.761.8379 x341 or JUNE 16 Bowdoin College, Brunswick 7:30–10:30am FOLLOW US @MBEVENTS #MBInsights16 SP ONSORED BY Register for a table of 10 people and save 10% off the ticket price. Tickets are $25 ($30 after May 20) and include breakfast. R E G I S T E R T O DAY ! M O D E R AT O R Steve Tenney Senior Vice President of Wealth Management, UBS PA N E L I S T S David Colter CEO, GAC Chemical Corporation Susan Scherbel Founder, Bellview Associates Mark Adams CEO, Sebago Technics Kevin French Vice President, Landry/French Construction Co. Join the discussion with: Sustain your business for the future Help sustain your company by exploring one of the many succession planning options. Gain firsthand knowledge from Maine CEOs about the benefits, opportunities and challenges of executing a successful employee stock ownership plan. T H I S Y E A R ' S T O P I C Employee ownership is a worthy Employee ownership is a worthy Employee ownership is a worthy Employee ownership is a worthy Employee ownership is a worthy Employee ownership is a worthy Employee ownership is a worthy Employee ownership is a worthy Employee ownership is a worthy Employee ownership is a worthy Employee ownership is a worthy Employee ownership is a worthy Employee ownership is a worthy Employee ownership is a worthy consideration for ownership consideration for ownership consideration for ownership consideration for ownership consideration for ownership consideration for ownership consideration for ownership consideration for ownership consideration for ownership consideration for ownership consideration for ownership consideration for ownership consideration for ownership consideration for ownership consideration for ownership consideration for ownership consideration for ownership consideration for ownership consideration for ownership consideration for ownership consideration for ownership consideration for ownership succession. ESOPs provide an succession. ESOPs provide an succession. ESOPs provide an succession. ESOPs provide an succession. ESOPs provide an succession. ESOPs provide an succession. ESOPs provide an succession. ESOPs provide an succession. ESOPs provide an succession. ESOPs provide an succession. ESOPs provide an succession. ESOPs provide an succession. ESOPs provide an succession. ESOPs provide an succession. ESOPs provide an succession. ESOPs provide an succession. ESOPs provide an succession. ESOPs provide an succession. ESOPs provide an succession. ESOPs provide an opportunity for owners to retrieve their equity while providing a successful transition of a company's culture and rewarding employees with ownership and pride. — Mark Adams, CEO of Sebago Technics C O N T I N U E D O N F O L L OW I N G PA G E »

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