
May 2, 2016

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W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 19 M AY 2 , 2 0 1 6 market and real estate considerations of what projects are out there right now. MB: Portland has certainly been cited by any number of national sur- veys for its quality of life. How much weight is given to 'quality of life' by companies thinking about relocating? JB: is is an acronym that we employ in all of our offi ce site selection projects: It's 'TALIO' — it's a spinoff from the British fox-hunting cry 'Tally ho!' ¡ T is for talent. Companies are only as good as their people. ¡ A is for access. Proximity to a major airport. Logan is only two hours away. You've got the Portland Jetport. ¡ L is for lifestyle. e quality of life here in Portland / southern Maine is 20% less costly with respect to cost-of-living than Boston. You've got world-class beaches. And Kennebunk and Kennebunkport, they're two of the most desirable beach, executive housing markets in North America. Markets that have proximity to major world-class beaches and exclusive zip codes today are a very powerful recruiting tool. Kennebunk and Kennebunkport are, really, regarded as premiere places for executives to have second homes within the context of North America. You've also got the presence of pro- fessional sports here in Portland with the Sea Dogs and the Pirates. ¡ I is for incentives. is is some- thing that Paul LePage gets. ese incentives are critical. ¡ O is for operating costs. So, by that acronym, Portland is one of the most favorable places in North America to locate a back offi ce opera- tion, with the lowest-cost market in New England and a great lifestyle to off er. MB: You've identifi ed a lot of posi- tives. Any negatives? JB: e big negative is the negative that's always been true. Companies would be concerned about a tight labor market. ere's about 3% unemploy- ment here. But 'trophy projects,' major back offi ce projects, have the ability to recruit and attract workers. e reality is if there was going to be an expansion here in Portland, or if you were to lure a signifi cant project, you are going to attract workers from within a 90-mile radius. Portland is consistently ranked as one of the more hipster-friendly cit- ies, with downtown walkable markets. at stuff infl uences corporate site selection processes. MB: Do you have any clients who, since this study came out, are strong- ly weighing Portland as a market? JB: Yes. MB: Can you identify who they might be? JB: No. It's really based on the fact that site selection is so confi dential. MB: I understand. So, what steps, if any, could state and local govern- ments take to capitalize on a pretty favorable analysis showing that Portland competes very well as a possible back offi ce location? JB: I think the fi rst thing to do is recog- nize who the competition is. It's more than just a second war between the states. Maine isn't competing just with Connecticut, Massachusetts and New York. You are competing with Montreal, whether you realize it or not. And that underscores the need for incentives. Job creation is a bipartisan goal. Democrats and Republicans in the state Legislature that have the refl ex reaction against incentives should realize that not only other states but also Montreal are proactively using their incen- tives for projects like Morgan Stanley and like State Street. ose are two projects that easily could have come to Portland. Especially State Street. MB: Are there any opportunities for Maine to recruit Canadian companies to locate back offi ce operations here? JB: Great question. e answer is: Yes, there is, despite the exchange rate. Despite Canada's health care cost advantages and the exchange rate advan- tages, it is true that part of the matura- tion of the major Canadian global com- panies is to have a presence, a brick-and- mortar presence, in the United States. MB: What concerns, if any, do you have about the quality and age of Portland's workforce, the education levels and skillsets? JB: is is one of the more exaggerated minuses that we talk about. e reality is, companies are sophisticated enough to realize that for a signature trophy project, the workforce will relocate, or drive 90 miles. e signifi cance of 90 miles: If a company restricts its reloca- tion to within 90 miles of where it's moving from, it avoids severance pay. And it allows them to keep the bulk of their workforce. is idea of Portland being an exciting place for millennials — well, companies think that way. HR direc- tors think that way. Portland is an asset: It's a real gem of a low-cost urban area that's desirable to live in. at's a big recruitment tool. MB: If a fi nancial or banking institu- tion chooses to locate its back offi ce operations here, what might be the multiplier effect? JB: Multiplier eff ects for attracting a fi nancial services back offi ce, with a weighted average earning approach- ing $50,000 a year, those multiplier eff ects are very powerful and positive. ey include the eff ect on residential real estate, retail, hospitality, corporate sponsorship of Sea Dogs and Pirates games, of the art museum, encouraging other cultural amenities here, provid- ing a catalyst for expanded air service at the airport. All of these things are multiplier eff ects, very powerful ones. J M C , M a i n e b i z s e n i o r writer, can be reached at @ . and @ J M Get engaged, inspired and connected with a print + digital subscription to Mainebiz. You'll receive bi-weekly issues, special publications and full online access! T H E L I S T T H E L I S T T H E L I S T S TA R T I N G O N P A G E 12 S TA R T I N G O N P A G E 12 S TA R T I N G O N P A G E 12 REAL ESTATE / REAL ESTATE / REAL ESTATE / CONSTRUCTION / DESIGN CONSTRUCTION / DESIGN CONSTRUCTION / DESIGN c a r t h y a r t h y a r t h y High-profile projects spark High-profile projects spark High-profile projects spark public debate over city's public debate over city's public debate over city's accelerating 'growth' accelerating 'growth' accelerating 'growth' $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 February 8, 2016 February 8, 2016 February 8, 2016 VO L . X X I I N O. I I I VO L . X X I I N O. I I I VO L . X X I I N O. I I I Know Maine Business. Or call: 845.267.3008 Subscribe online: F U L L C O N T E N T S O N PA G E 4 F U L L C O N T E N T S O N PA G E 4 F U L L C O N T E N T S O N PA G E 4 » M O R E I N S I D E M O R E I N S I D E M O R E I N S I D E B y L o r i V a l i g r a B y L o r i V a l i g r a B y L o r i V a l i g r a B y L o r i V a l i g r a B y L o r i V a l i g r a B y L o r i V a l i g r a B y J a m e s B y J a m e s B y J a m e s m c c High-profile projects spark High-profile projects spark High-profile projects spark public debate over city's public debate over city's public debate over city's accelerating 'growth' accelerating 'growth' accelerating 'growth' co-owner of co-owner of co-owner of co-owner of co-owner of co-owner of co-owner of co-owner of co-owner of co-owner of co-owner of co-owner of co-owner of co-owner of co-owner of co-owner of co-owner of co-owner of co-owner of co-owner of co-owner of co-owner of co-owner of co-owner of co-owner of co-owner of co-owner of co-owner of co-owner of 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Know Maine Business Get to your gate quicker and get home faster! located 100 yards from baGGaGe claim. look for our Green siGn. per day $10 Valet parking at the airport open 4:30 am - 1 am Portland is an asset: It's a real gem of a low-cost Portland is an asset: It's a real gem of a low-cost Portland is an asset: It's a real gem of a low-cost Portland is an asset: It's a real gem of a low-cost Portland is an asset: It's a real gem of a low-cost Portland is an asset: It's a real gem of a low-cost Portland is an asset: It's a real gem of a low-cost Portland is an asset: It's a real gem of a low-cost Portland is an asset: It's a real gem of a low-cost Portland is an asset: It's a real gem of a low-cost Portland is an asset: It's a real gem of a low-cost Portland is an asset: It's a real gem of a low-cost Portland is an asset: It's a real gem of a low-cost Portland is an asset: It's a real gem of a low-cost urban area that's desirable to live in. That's a big urban area that's desirable to live in. That's a big urban area that's desirable to live in. That's a big urban area that's desirable to live in. That's a big urban area that's desirable to live in. That's a big urban area that's desirable to live in. That's a big urban area that's desirable to live in. That's a big urban area that's desirable to live in. That's a big urban area that's desirable to live in. That's a big urban area that's desirable to live in. That's a big urban area that's desirable to live in. That's a big urban area that's desirable to live in. That's a big urban area that's desirable to live in. That's a big recruitment tool. — John Boyd, principal of The Boyd Co., Inc.

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