
April 18, 2016

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V O L . X X I I N O. V I I I A P R I L 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 10 B U S I N E S S M A I N E B U S I N E S S M A I N E B U S I N E S S N E W S F RO M A RO U N D T H E S TAT E a group of Ellsworth city offi cials and residents to lay out the bio- medical fi rm's plans for its ambi- tious expansion into the city at a former 140,000-square-foot building that once housed a Lowe's Home Improvement. e $125 million, 18-month project will convert the site to a mouse vivarium, breeding research to be sold to biomedical labs across the globe. e lab, which is expected to generate sales of $70 mil- lion annually, will have 100 employ- ees to start, with another 130 added later. It is expected to open at the end of 2017. New England Salt to import through Eastport Winterport-based New England Salt Co. plans to expand its Downeast operations of supplying road salt to communities in northern Maine and in the maritime provinces of Canada after inking a deal with Federal Marine Terminals, the operators of the port in Eastport. President Steve Clisham told the Bangor Daily News that the company imported 85,000 tons of salt from South America and Morocco last year, through Searsport. It will continue to import through Searsport, but Eastport was added because of its proximity to new markets and because it is the deepest port on the Eastern seaboard and was outfi tted with a $10 million conveyor system in 2013. e fi rst salt shipment through Eastport is expected this summer. Tenants Harbor earns 'working waterfront' status e Maine Department of Marine Resources has obtained a work- ing waterfront covenant to preserve a long-serving commercial fi shing wharf in Tenants Harbor that has been in the sights of developers. e covenant guarantees that the wharf, which has been owned by the Miller family for four generations, will con- tinue to be used exclusively for work- ing waterfront activities and that the state will invest $250,000 into the property. More than 100 commercial lobstermen, scallopers, urchin fi sher- men and seaweed harvesters use the wharf. Statewide, working water- front status has protected 25 com- mercial fi shing sites totaling 42 acres and 1.5 miles of Maine coast. Nearly 21.4 million pounds of seafood are landed at the properties annually, at value of $49.2 million dockside, according to Coastal Enterprises Inc. of Brunswick. For all Maine gives, it's no wonder we give back. For the chorus of spring peepers in a nearby marsh… For the first family cookout of the year… 877.700.6800 | Stewards for charitable giving. Helping donors help Maine. Jonathan Shapiro, Mindy Caterine, Eric Uhl, David Strock and Shiloh Theberge One Monument Square | Suite 600 | Portland, ME 04101 | 207.774.6001 Littler is pleased to announce the formation of the new Financial Services Industry Group and Portland practitioner, Jonathan Shapiro as its Co-Chair.

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