Hartford Business Journal

April 11, 2016 — Women in Business

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G R E AT E R H A R T F O R D ' S B U S I N E S S N E W S w w w. H a r t f o rd B u s i n e s s . c o m For more B2B news visit APRIL 11, 2016 Volume 24, Number 19 $3.00 Subscribe online JUNE 9, 2016 Only 8 WEEKS until C T B E x p o . c o m 1 6 T H A N N U A L Index ■ Week in Review: PG. 6 ■ The List: PG. 8 ■ Deal Watch: PG. 9 ■ Opinion & Commentary: PG. 10 ■ Poll: PG. 10 Building a Fan Base Hartford Yard Goats General Manager Tim Restall has spent the winter and early spring trying to sell the team, and tickets, to anyone who will listen. PG. 3 Promising Venture A Hartford startup is gaining investor interest for its cloud-based software that is a mix of Facebook and Angie's List for real estate agents. PG. 5 The big 'C' in CT's bioscience ambitions: Collaboration By Gregory Seay gseay@HartfordBusiness.com A t any given time, dozens of research scientists at UConn and Yale, and at other Connecticut universities, are investigating and churning out a myriad of ideas that could someday improve health outcomes for millions worldwide. So great is the flow of potential game- changing, wealth-building ideas for new drugs and therapeutic treatments that the academic sector, much less the bioscience marketplace, can barely keep pace, Con - necticut bioscience experts say. The gulf is especially wide when it comes to research needed to validate a therapeutic concept so that it someday draws the atten- tion — and wallets — of venture capitalists and pharmaceutical makers willing to shep- herd it to market, a process that can con- sume years and tens of millions of dollars. Connecticut, however, has taken steps to pull its largest research universities — UConn Building Bioscience A N H B J S E R I E S O N C T ' S B I O S C I E N C E S E C T O R Continued on page 7 UConn professor/bioentrepreneur Dennis Wright is co-founder of the Program in Innovative Therapeutics for Connecticut's Health, or PITCH. Breaking Silos P H O T O | S T E V E L A S C H E V E R Women leaders share 'keys' to success Special Section PGS. 12–31

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