
March 7, 2016

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V O L . X X I I N O. V M A R C H 7 , 2 0 1 6 10 B U S I N E S S M A I N E B U S I N E S S M A I N E B U S I N E S S N E W S F RO M A RO U N D T H E S TAT E 70.6%. It had 5.4 million active cus- tomers last year, an increase of 66.6% from the year before. UMaine awarded $1.95M STEM Education Grant e University of Maine has been awarded a STEM Education Grant from the National Science Foundation to support science, tech- nology, engineering and mathematics education in rural Maine. e $1.95 million grant will support 22 fellow- ships and recent STEM graduates or current STEM professionals to fur- ther their knowledge and become cer- tifi ed STEM teachers in rural, high- need schools in Maine. e project, "A Model NSF Teaching Fellowship Program to Improve STEM Teacher Recruitment, Preparation, Professional Development, and Retention in Rural High-Need Schools," hopes to address personnel and budgetary cuts to both math- ematics and science programs in rural communities across Maine. "In today's rapidly changing world, STEM edu- cation has never been more impor- tant," said Sens. Susan Collins and Angus King in a joint statement. " is grant will help empower our next generation of STEM educators as they work to equip rural Maine students with the skills they need to succeed in the 21st century." Cerahelix raises funds in equity offering Cerahelix Inc. of Orono has raised $575,000 of a $1 million equity and Series A preferred stock off ering, according to a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission fi ling. e biotechnology company designs commercial-scale ceramic water fi l- ters. e current funding went on sale Feb. 12 and requires a $10,000 mini- mum investment from any outside investor. Cerahelix was the only one in Maine to raise venture fi nancing in the second quarter of 2015, bring- ing in $200,000. at money came from the Maine Venture Fund and Portland and Bangor angel investors. At the time, Cerahelix CEO and founder Susan MacKay characterized the venture money as bridge fund- ing toward a later $5 million Series A fund raise. e company has said it is making a nano-ceramic, fast fi ltration system to clean water for commercial users, and is initially tar- geting production in the oil and gas industries. MacKay graduated in the Maine Center for Entrepreneurial Development's 2012 Top Gun class, "We're so grateful that FAME approved the loan insurance for our line of credit. LooHoo continues to grow each year, and we are now able to plan ahead with inventory and manufactuing needs to support increased demands. With FAME's support, LooHoo is positioned for continued growth and success." Cyndi Prince Founder and CEO, LooHoo LLC Helping Maine Businesses Succeed Since 1983 1-800-228-3734 • PR ES ENTI NG S PONS OR 207.761.8379 x341 R E G I S T E R T O DAY KITTERY April 27 | 5–7pm | STAR Theatre Break away from your desk to meet and mingle with other members of the Kittery business community at our second stop in the 2016 On the Road with Mainebiz series! This is a great forum to put a face with a name plus make new business connections. u admission is free u complimentary hors d'oeuvres u cash bar FOLLOW US @MBEVENTS #OTRKittery16

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