
February 22, 2016

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C O M M E N TA RY VO L . X X I I N O. I V F E B R UA R Y 2 2 , 2 0 1 6 24 S tudents in Maine want the economy to improve, and they may be the ones with the key solutions to solve the elusive puzzle: creative ideas for tourism and lobsters, reduced taxes, more national parks, immigration, free community college and buying local. In a macroeconomics class I taught last fall at Southern Maine Community College, I asked the 20 students to research and prepare end-of-term pre- sentations on what would most improve Maine's economy. Student Kellie Coulter highlighted a study between 2009-11 that found almost 75% of graduates stayed in Maine. e study, by Paul Leparulo, also found that the diff erence in income between a two-year associate degree and a six-year doctorate degree was only about $20,000 a year, noted Coulter. Two students entertained the class with excellent ideas on attracting tourists to Maine's islands and beefi ng up the promotion of hunting. Another student, Rachel Guindon, showed support for a national park on about 150,000 acres of forest east of Baxter State Park, as advocated by Roxanne Quimby, co-fou nder of Burt's Bees and now outlined in the biography "Queen Bee" by Phyllis Austin. According to the National Resources Council of Maine, two eco- nomic studies show that "areas across the country with national parks that are of a similar size and similar rural location have experienced higher per- sonal income and job growth … than Penobscot and Piscataquis counties over the last 40 years." "I think that if community col- lege were free for everyone it would stimulate our economy and over time bring a more educated youth into the job market of Maine," said another student, Nellie Hetherington. "I know from experience that fi nding a job while you're in school part-time isn't the easiest, especially when you're trying to get a job that's a little more challenging than fl ipping burgers." Naomi Greenwood noted that New York state spurred economic growth by providing "10 years free of tax for new and growing businesses, including manufacturing, biotech and life sciences, tech and electron- ics, optics and imaging, clean tech and renewable energy, transportation equipment and food and beverage." ey also off ered other incentives for smaller businesses, easier loans and grants. Translating these ideas to Maine, Greenwood recommended fi ve years tax-free for businesses in renewable energy, logging, seafood, tourism and technology — as well as incentives to stay long-term. All this will "move Maine forward without harming the natural beauty," she said. Seth Guiod compared Maine to Wyoming, fi nding that the 2016 State Business Tax Climate Index ranks Wyoming No. 1 for its low taxes, in particular corporate and individual taxes, while Maine is No. 34. "Should Maine's legislature adopt the gover- nor's proposal, Maine would move to 23rd in our rankings, refl ecting improvements in both rates and struc- ture." Guiod noted. "I believe that taxes are a big reason why businesses don't come to Maine. And because businesses don't come to Maine, young people leave the state of Maine to have a broader choice of jobs," Guiod added. Another student, Madalyn Minot, proposed buying local. ere was a time this was associated with "hip- pies, college towns and environmen- talists," she said. "At a very basic level, buying local food helps keep money into the local economy, benefi ting people like you and me, as opposed to the mainstream food system where the money spent is fl ushed out of local economy." "Spreading the mes- sage of 'buy local' also can create more jobs by bringing awareness to gaps in local markets, and helping promote business," she continued. "Going local does not mean only shopping at small businesses, and shutting off yourself from large busi- nesses," she said. "[Now] it means supporting the businesses that use local resources wisely, employ local people at acceptable wages, and serve local consumers, putting less depen- dence on imports." T R is an adjunct professor of business at Southern Maine Community College and president of Partners Creating Growth. She can be reached at T@PCG. Providing care and building trusting relationships with people of all generations for over 30 years, we are commited to improving the health of our community—one person at a time. Visit us at G E N E R AT I O N S A D VA N TA G E Medicare Advantage insurance plans for seniors in Maine and New Hampshire U S FA M I LY H E A LT H P L A N TRICARE Prime insurance for military families in Maine and beyond H E A LT H C A R E C E N T E R S Primary and specialty care for patients in southern Maine and New Hampshire People Caring for People A healthy community begins with trusted care. That's why we make it our top priority to provide the highest- quality care and coverage to the people of Maine and beyond. Students offer innovative ideas to stimulate Maine's economy B Y T O V E R A S M U S S E N

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