
February 22, 2016

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V I E W P O I N T S W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 3 F E B R UA R Y 2 2 , 2 0 1 6 For a daily digest of Maine's top busi- ness news, sign up for the Mainebiz Daily Report at Get Maine's business news daily at and on Twitter (@Mainebiz). Below is some of the best from our online-only offerings: Featured @ DeLorme to be bought by Garmin The Yarmouth- based naviga- tion company DeLorme has entered into a purchase agreement with the Swiss navigational powerhouse Garmin. Find out what this means for the world's largest rotating globe and your prized Gazetteer at Bigelow Labs launches new research centers Bigelow Labs' Centers for Venture Research will apply business and project management techniques to existing ocean-related research projects. Learn more about what goes on in the labs at From the Editor I t's not often at a business publication that we come across quotes that seem to tell the story in just a few carefully thought out words. Often, we're pushing business leaders to go beyond the industry jargon, to use plain English. Yet, without undue prompting, we ended up with some quotes in this issue of Mainebiz that use original metaphors and are eff ective at conveying the point in a few words. Senior Writer Lori Valigra closely followed the recent annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In her "Inside the Notebook" col- umn, she draws on the analogy made by one innovation leader. "Americans like to build technology 'covered wag- ons' and take them 'out west' to open new innovation frontiers; we don't head our wagons 'back east' to bring innovation to our legacy sectors," William Bonvillian, director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Washington, D.C., offi ce, said during a legacy innova- tion panel at the AAAS meeting. "By failing to do so, the economy misses a major opportunity for innovation, which is the bedrock of U.S. competitiveness and its standard of living." Laurie Schreiber, our Bass Harbor-based correspon- dent, connected with the state's boat builders for a story about the resurgent boat industry. Customers are attracted to new, says Bentley Collins, vice president of marketing at Sabre Yachts and Back Cove Yachts. He was explaining not just how the industry has changed since the last boon in boat sales, prior to the recession, but also just the need to change. "I compare this with a customer walking into a car showroom and seeing fi ve- and six-year-old mod- els on the fl oor," he says. "I don't think anyone would say, 'Look, there's a 2008 Honda Civic. I think I'll buy it.' People like new technologies, they like new styles." Laurie's story about the boat-building industry also sounded the theme of the worker shortage. As we've heard in other industry, Maine's dwindling population of young people is not interested in pursuing the trades. We hear it in manufacturing, construction and, of course, boat building. Julie Rabinowitz, communications director for the Maine Department of Labor, says employers need to be more aggressive about fi nding employees — and breaking through perceptions. "If employers just stand in a fi eld and say, 'I can't fi nd any workers,' that doesn't help them," she says. " ey have to reach out, and then we can assist them in raising their profi le. Part of that is getting into the local high school or career and technical school and saying, 'Hey, did you know that, down that dirt road where you see the sign that says boatyard, it's not a yard with boats in it; it's a high-tech manufacturing company.'" is was not in any story, but rather is a quote I came across that seems to encompass so much of not only busi- ness but life itself. " e problem is not the problem. e problem is your attitude about the problem." — Capt. Jack Sparrow Peter Van Allen Quotes to do business by CELEBRATING 1OO YEARS When you need a law firm that's only young at heart. Be timeless. BE SHUR. Americans like to build technology Americans like to build technology Americans like to build technology Americans like to build technology Americans like to build technology Americans like to build technology Americans like to build technology Americans like to build technology Americans like to build technology Americans like to build technology Americans like to build technology Americans like to build technology Americans like to build technology Americans like to build technology 'covered wagons' and take them 'covered wagons' and take them 'covered wagons' and take them 'covered wagons' and take them 'covered wagons' and take them 'covered wagons' and take them 'covered wagons' and take them 'covered wagons' and take them 'covered wagons' and take them 'covered wagons' and take them 'covered wagons' and take them 'covered wagons' and take them 'covered wagons' and take them 'out west' to open new innovation frontiers; we don't head our wagons 'back east' to bring innovation to our legacy sectors. — William Bonvillian director of MIT's Washington, D.C., offi ce An inside look Get a digest of the state's largest commercial real estate transactions, industry movers and more in our weekly Real Estate Insider newsletter. 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