
February 8, 2016

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W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 23 F E B R UA R Y 8 , 2 0 1 6 beers over one or two hours, he says. Fore River has 2,000 square feet, but hopes to expand with an out- side seating area once it gets permission from the city. Another neighborhood anchor will be Bissell Brothers Brewing Co., which will relocate to ompson's Point in the second quarter of this year. Having other craft brewers in the area helps stimu- late business for all, notes LeGassey. Eli Cayer, founder of Urban Farm Fermentory and the new Gruit brewery, can attest to that. Once the only fermentory in the East Bayside neighbor- hood of Portland, UFF has been joined by Rising Tide Brewing Co., Maine Craft Distilling, Bunker Brewing Co. and, soon, new brewer Lone Pine Brewing Co. e neighborhood is the most diverse in Portland, according to the 2010 census, with 60% white compared to more than 94% for the state as a whole. e area is 21% black, 6% Hispanic, 8% Asian, 1% Native American and 4% multiracial. " e more people who are down here produc- ing, the more people will be drawn here," Cayer says. "When we were the fi rst people here for the fi rst two years, it was like pulling teeth to get people down here. Now people just show up because they're already at Rising Tide or Bunker or at the coff ee producers here." UFF operates in 10,000 square feet, including 6,000 square feet for production, 2,000 square feet for the tasting room and performance area and another 1,500 square feet for the art gallery and hallway. " e performance space can be used for anything. We have open mike nights and people can rent it for weddings," says Cayer. In addition to a craft market on Saturday. " e nice thing is they can try our prod- ucts and we can get feedback at our events." UFF also plans to sponsor a 5K in the spring from its parking lot through the Maine Trails near it and to the nar- row gauge train depot and back. While UFF initially had a winery license for its fermented cider and kombucha, it now has a brewery license and plans to soon off er gruit (pro- nounced "grew it," a herb fl avoring for beer) and Braggot (mead made with honey and barley malt). "We are focused on the local side of things and are doing things other people aren't," says Cayer, who co-owns UFF with Reid Emmerich. "In a place where there's a ton of craft breweries, people aren't going to be doing what we're doing for a while. We've diversi- fi ed so we have many diff erent draws to our space." Standing apart Distinguishing your brand is getting more impor- tant as the craft brewing market continues to grow. Maine already ranks fi fth nationwide in the number of craft breweries per capita, with 37 as of 2012. And VALUATIONS CUSTOM-FITTED Gain Insight with Valuation and Forensic Experts The issues are complicated. You need an expert who can bring clarity. Leveraging Northern New England's largest accounting and consulting fi rm. Dependable valuations. Defendable results. SHAREHOLDER DISPUTES ECONOMIC DAMAGES LOST PROFITS BUSINESS APPRAISAL BERRYDUNN.COM C O N T I N U E D O N F O L L OW I N G PA G E » At one time people knew their At one time people knew their At one time people knew their At one time people knew their At one time people knew their At one time people knew their At one time people knew their At one time people knew their At one time people knew their At one time people knew their At one time people knew their At one time people knew their At one time people knew their At one time people knew their neighborhood brewer. People neighborhood brewer. People neighborhood brewer. People neighborhood brewer. People neighborhood brewer. People neighborhood brewer. People neighborhood brewer. People neighborhood brewer. People neighborhood brewer. People neighborhood brewer. People neighborhood brewer. People neighborhood brewer. People neighborhood brewer. People are starting to get in touch with people who work in these industries. — John LeGassey, co-owner, Fore River Brewing Co.

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