
January 25, 2016

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V O L . X X I I N O. I I JA N UA R Y 2 5 , 2 0 1 6 10 B U S I N E S S M A I N E B U S I N E S S M A I N E B U S I N E S S N E W S F RO M A RO U N D T H E S TAT E Lawsuit over who owns seaweed Multiple alleged incidents of illegal rockweed harvesting have provided the catalyst to fi le a civil lawsuit against Acadian Seaplants, e Quoddy Tides reported. e lawsuit seeks to determine who has own- ership of intertidal rockweed. e plaintiff s are Ken and Carl Ross and Roque Island Gardner Homestead Corp. e Rosses own shorefront property in Pembroke. Marine regulators and industry are currently working on a management plan to assure rockweed is harvested sustain- ably into the future. Harvesters have quadrupled their take since 2003. Harvesters must have a license, but there is no limit on how much may be cut, raked or otherwise removed. In Maine, rockweed has comprised over 95% of Maine's seaweed land- ings by weight over the past fi ve years. An estimated 16.7 million pounds of rockweed was harvested in 2013, compared with 468,900 pounds of other seaweeds. N O T E W O R T H Y M I D C O A S T & D O W N E A S T Pen Bay Medical Center in Rockport has added outdoor seating to be avail- able to the center's Psychiatric and Addiction Recovery Center. The new outdoor area provides seating for 24 people on 2,200 square feet of lawn, within a secure area. The project cost $31,330 and was paid for entirely with donor funds. Unity College cuts energy usage and costs Unity College said an energy ret- rofi t to one of its oldest buildings, the Unity College Center for the Performing Arts, will save it both money and energy usage. e col- lege said the retrofi ts will save an estimated $14,776 a year. e energy- saving project replaced old incandes- cent light bulbs with LED lamps, hot water heating coils with an air source heat pump hot water heater and sealed air leaks in the basement and attic. e heat pumps are program- mable so the school could get more savings through smart scheduling. e total project cost was $107,373. Member FDIC Contact us today to learn how our experienced team can help with everything that counts to your business. Kimberly Twitchell 207.808.4487 Daryl Wentworth 207.808.4490 Joe Delano 207.808.4486 Stephen Lubelczyk 603.263.1442 Tara Trafton 603.531.1063 NBT Bank Maine Regional Headquarters 254 Commercial Street Merrill's Wharf, 2nd Floor Portland, ME NBT Bank's Commercial Banking team would like to thank these valued clients for establishing a relationship with us. • Joel Tranum Marginal Way Properties 211 Marginal Way, Portland • Sandy River - Northbridge Companies Avita Wells 84 Sanford Road, Wells • George Schott Hilton Homewood Suites 373 Western Avenue, Augusta In business, relationships count. N O R T H E R N & E A S T E R N

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