
January 25, 2016

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F U L L C O N T E N T S O N PA G E 4 » M O R E I N S I D E T H E L I S T F O C U S G R E AT E R P O R T L A N D / printsub S U B S C R I B E P H O T O / T I M G R E E N WAY S TA R T I N G O N P A G E 14 » Portland Museum of Art reimagines its mission B y J a m e s M c C a r t h y M ark Bessire, director of the Portland Museum of Art, readily acknowl- edges it's a fair question to ask why the museum is engaged in a multi-year eff ort to reimagine itself when its metrics are strong and its collections include paint- ings by Winslow Homer and others that would be coveted by much larger muse- ums across the country. Yes, he agrees with a smile, the museum maintains one of highest per- centages of members per capita in the country, with 8,200 members generating more than $600,000 in unrestricted funds for the museum in its 2014-15 fi scal year. C O N T I N U E D O N PA G E 1 8 » S E E W H O ' S N E X T O N PA G E 3 0 » The Maine State Chamber of Commerce tops our list of Maine's largest chambers of commerce. 9 Sustainable forestry Forestry Stewardship Council certifies AMC's forest management practices in Maine. 20 Patriot Insurance Yarmouth rolls out welcome mat for insurance company's Route 1 development project. 25 Bank expands in Portland People's United Bank adds a branch and a new headquarters at former site of Merrill Lynch in Portland. Business clusters along Forest Avenue tell the story of immigrant contributions to Maine's economy P H O T O / T I M G R E E N WAY Tae Chong of CEI talks with Babylon Restaurant co-owner Nagham Rikan in the restaurant on Forest Avenue in Portland. New Mainers in P O R T L A N D b Y l o r i v a l i g r a $2.00 January 25, 2016 VO L . X X I I N O. I I

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