
January 11, 2016

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V O L . X X I I N O. I JA N UA R Y 1 1 , 2 0 1 6 24 U S I N E S S M A I N E I N S H O R T N E W S WO R T H Y P E O P L E A N D P E R F O R M A N C E S Founder's Awards from Kampgrounds of America Inc. e award is pre- sented annually to campgrounds that receive high scores in customer service from campers as well as an annual campground quality review. Town & Country Federal Credit Union recently awarded a total of $25,000 to eight charitable organizations as part of its Better Neighbor Fund program. Verrill Dana, a law fi rm in Portland, announced that nine of its attor- neys were recognized in Benchmark Litigation's 2016 edition. e fi rm also said attorneys Karen Frink Wolf and Martha Gaythwaite were named to the national list of Top-250 Women in Litigation by the publication and the fi rm was ranked as a Highly Recommended Firm in Maine. Kara van Emmerik, chef de cuisine of Dudley's Refresher in Castine, was named Maine's Chef of the Year in the 2015 Eater Awards. e awards are presented by Eater, a food and night- life blog of digital media company Vox Media Inc. The Maine Public Relations Council named Linda Varrell its 2015 Edward L. Bernays Award winner and Jillian Kanter the recipient of its 2015 Rising Star Award. Varrell is president and chief strategist of Broadreach Public Relations while Kanter is an account executive and client operations coor- dinator with the fi rm. ACEC of Maine recently announced its 2016 "Engineering Excellence Awards" with Kleinschmidt Associates captur- ing e "Grand Conceptor" award for its work on the Menominee Fish Lift System for Lake Sturgeon Passage project. Special recognition award winners were: T.Y. Lin International, Brookfi eld Floating Bridge in Brookfi eld, Vt., and Becker Structural Engineers Inc., Capital Judicial Center in Augusta. Honor awards for engi- neering excellence went to: Haley & Aldrich Inc., Casco Bay Island Transit District Ferry Terminal Building; CES Inc., Presque Isle Solid Waste Landfi ll Closure; and Baker Design Consultants, River Point Bridge Design-Build Project in Falmouth. Day One, a South Portland agency preventing and treating adolescent substance abuse, announced Dajuan Eubanks, president of the Maine Red Claws, received the organization's 2015 Community Leadership Award; Ralph Hendrix, COO at Macpage, received the 2015 "Making a Diff erence Award;" and Maine state Sen. Anne Haskell received the 2015 Community Vision Award. The National Academy of Public Accounting Professionals selected Crystal Marchessault, partner at Austin Associates PA in Auburn, as one of its 2015 Top-10 Public Accounting Professional Rising Stars in Maine. Conde Nast Traveler, an interna- tional travel magazine, named Hidden Pond in Kennebunkport as the No. 1 resort in New England and one of its top-10 resorts in the U.S. e list also included Kennebunkport resort prop- erties The Lodge on the Cove (ninth) and The Tides Beach Club (11th). Central Maine Power Co., a subsid- iary of Iberdrola USA, was named an Environmental Champion by Cogent Reports, the syndicated research division of Market Strategies International, and a top-three electri- cal utility in the eastern U.S. e des- ignation is based on more than 25,000 consumer performance ratings for 125 leading utilities nationwide. The Greater Bridgton Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce named Point Sebago in Casco its Business of the Year award winner. EMMC Foundation in Bangor announced its 2016 honorees for EMMC Champion the Cure Challenge includ- ing: The Geaghan Family, honorary chairs; Tim Smith, volunteer of the year; athletes and coaches of Big 10 Cheer, Youth Champions; Charleston Church, community champion; Darling's Auto Group, corporate champion; and Caleb McGary, Terry Fox Award. Maine Association of Nonprofi ts in Portland announced the graduates of its third annual Nonprofi t Leadership Institute. Graduates included: Andree Appel, Oasis Free Clinics, Brunswick; Ben Martens, Maine Coast Fishermen's Association, Topsham; Katie Brown, Locker Project, Portland; Robyn Merrill, Maine Equal Justice Partners, Augusta; Michael Chaney, Frances Perkins Center, Newcastle; Michael Mitchell, Crisis and Counseling Centers, Augusta; Joan Churchill, Community Clinical Services, Lewiston; Shana Natelson, Speak About It Inc., Portland; Melody Fitch, Family Violence Project, Augusta; Deb Nowak, Looking for exciting business events? Go to to view and post events. @ 162 Main St., Freeport, ME • (207) 865-9377 • Professional Facilities With A Personal Touch Freeport, Maine's Premier Meeting Space and Hotel Professional Theatre in Lewiston/Auburn Season Underwriters: Austin Associates, Maine Magazine, Platz Associates, Sun Journal, WOXO, Z105.5, Sponsored by: The Brand Collective, Evergreen Subaru, Praxis Production Studios, Residence Inn Marriott - Auburn, Visbaras Law / Excalibur Title Professional Theatre in Lewiston/Auburn he Jan 22-31 782-3200 The Ladies FOURSOME Imagine "Sex and the City" on a golf course Directed by byNorm Foster Judith Ivey Imagine "Sex and the City" on a golf course

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