
January 11, 2016

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Thursday, January 14 8:00–11:00am Holiday Inn by the Bay, Portland Join us for Five on the Future as we take a look at Maine's economy with a panel discussion featuring several Maine leaders. Plus, we will have a keynote address from Jeff Fuhrer of the Federal Reserve Bank. SPONSORED BY Jeffrey Fuhrer Executive Vice President and Senior Policy Advisor at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Pat Scully CEO of Bernstein Shur John Chandler Managing Principal at BerryDunn David Whitney Regional Sales Manager of Sheridan Construction Heather Paquette Vice President of Retail Operations at Hannaford Supermarkets FOLLOW US @MBEVENTS #MB5On16 Tickets are $25 per person & include a plated breakfast. Register for a table of 8 and save 25%! Contact Rebekah Roy at for details. For more information, or to register, visit / 5on or call 207.761.8379 x341 KEYNOTE: MEET THE PANEL:

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