
Book of Lists 2016

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W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 51 BO O K O F L I S T S 2 0 16 30 programs, 200+ employees, and 1200+ volunteers touching the lives of 12,000 people in Northern New England. in Northern New England Affordable Senior Housing Senior Services Community Justice Programs Youth and Family Services Behavioral Health Services Veterans Services Mediation Services Camp POSTCARD This is Why We Do What We Do Volunteers of America Northern New England 14 Maine Street Suite 301, Brunswick, ME 04011 (207) 373 1140 | Please Help Us Help Others 207.237.6819 207.237.6819 207.237.6819 Meeting Higher Expectations - All Year 'Round. Seven Congress Square, Por tland, ME 04101 (207) 775-6148 | Por U P C O M I N G E X H I B I T I O N S Ma ster work s on Paper: Highlight s f rom t he Por tland Museum of Ar t J A N U A R Y 22– J UNE 5, 20 16 Duncan Hewit t: Tur ning St range J A N U A R Y 22–S E P T E MB E R 4, 20 16 O'Kee f fe, Ste t t heimer, Tor r, Zorach: Women Moder ni st s in New York J UNE 2 3 –S E P T E MB E R 18 , 20 16 The Ar t Book s of Henri Mati sse O C T O B E R 6 – D E C E MB E R 31, 20 16 W inslow Homer (United St ates, 1836–1910), Eight Bells (det ail), 1887, etching , 23 1/2 x 29 1/2 inches. Museum purchase with suppor t f rom the Peg g y and Harold Osher Acquisition Fund and par tial gif t of Mr. and Mr s. Vaughan W. P rat t, 2014.3

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