
December 14, 2015

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V O L . X X I N O. X X V I I I D E C E M B E R 1 4 , 2 0 1 5 10 B U S I N E S S M A I N E B U S I N E S S M A I N E B U S I N E S S N E W S F RO M A RO U N D T H E S TAT E Because Canadian-owned Cherryfi eld Foods doesn't buy or sell cranberries in the United States, the departure shouldn't aff ect local markets or growers, a cranberry specialist for the University of Maine Extension told the BDN. N O T E W O R T H Y M I D C O A S T & D O W N E A S T The Maine Maritime Academy in Castine was awarded $469,000 from the U.S. Department of Transportation to support the school's Marine Engine Testing and Emissions Laboratory. Bar Harbor Savings and Loan added personal and business checking and online banking to its range of services. MDOT to partner with businesses to fund projects A new Interstate 95 interchange in Waterville will be the fi rst to use a new state transportation program that will give higher priority to road projects for private developers who cover part of the cost. e initiative is meant to fund transportation proj- ects that help local economic devel- opment eff orts, splitting the costs between the state, municipalities and businesses, Maine Department of Transportation Commissioner David Bernhardt told the Portland Press We combine our knowledge with yours to achieve success. Six Offices in Maine / 207.989.4824 / / S E N S I B L E S O L U T I O N S • 888-853-7100 Adam knows landing the big one requires the right location, the right lure, and a dose of persistence. He understands that the best catch requires preparation and patience. With over 20 years of experience in both money management and business banking, Adam has all the tackle you'll need for a well-stocked financial services package. Call Adam at 1-888-853-7100 for a partner who can help reel in a bright future for your business. Meet Adam Robertson, Business Banker, and Avid Fisherman. UNE to use donated island in Saco Bay for education and research The University of New England plans to use a donated island off the coast of Saco for research and education. The university announced Dec. 1 that the family of Art Girard, a Portland real estate developer, had donated Ram Island. The one-acre island will be used by the Department of Marine Sciences and Marine Science Center for research purposes and to expand experiential education opportunities to students. Students, faculty and staff will be able to research marine ecology, geology, invasive species, mammals, fi sheries and aquaculture. "Our students have a very unique opportunity to study aspects of marine sci- ence and ecology, both in fully equipped classrooms and laboratories on campus, and, with a quick boat ride, in a university-owned, living, learning laboratory," UNE President Danielle Ripich said in a statement. "The hands-on opportunities this presents to our students are tremendous." Girard said in a statement that the location and relatively unspoiled environ- ment is the perfect match for the school's studies. Ram Island is one of the most popular names for Maine islands. According to one database found on Wikipedia, there are 36 Maine islands that go by that name. (Sheep, Cow, Hog and Pig are other popular names, as in olden times livestock were commonly kept on islands as a way to minimize attacks from predators and save money on fencing.) In 2014, Girard acquired New England's tallest lighthouse, Boon Island Light Station off York, for $78,000. In 2010, he bid on Ram Island Ledge Light, off Portland, but lost out on a coin fl ip, the Associated Press reported at the time. — M a i n e b i z s t a f f P H O T O / U N I V E R S I T Y O F N E W E N G L A N D The family of Art Girard, a Portland developer, donated Ram Island in Saco Bay to the University of New England, which will use it for research and education. N O R T H E R N & E A S T E R N

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