
December 14, 2015

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V O L . X X I N O. X X V I I I D E C E M B E R 1 4 , 2 0 1 5 28 U S I N E S S M A I N E I N S H O R T N E W S WO R T H Y P E O P L E A N D P E R F O R M A N C E S Miller to chief business sustainability offi cer; and Deece Hannigan to vice presi- dent of coated and packaging business. Camden National Bank promoted Elliott Barry to senior vice president, com- mercial banking offi cer in Portland and Nancy Tracy to senior vice presi- dent, retail banking for central and western Maine. Barry was previously vice president, commercial banking offi cer in Portland while Tracy was vice president, retail regional manager for the southern/central region. [ A P P O I N T M E N T S ] Tom Peaco, execu- tive director of the Penobscot Bay Regional Chamber of Commerce, was appointed presi- dent of the Midcoast Chamber Council for the 2015-16 fi scal year. Habitat for Humanity of Greater Portland announced that its board offi cers will be John Shumadine, Murray, Plumb & Murray, president; Peter Tousignant, TD Bank, vice president; Julie Ray, Perkins Thompson, secretary; and Jeremy Handlon, Dawson, Smith, Purvis & Bassett, treasurer. CEI Inc., a community development cor- poration in Brunswick, announced that Keith Bisson was elected to a second term on the Opportunity Finance Network board of directors and Laura Buxbaum was elected to the board of the Housing Assistance Council. Bisson is senior vice president, program management and development with the fi rm while Buxbaum is senior vice president, public policy and resource development, CEI. Primmer Piper Eggleston & Cramer PC, a law offi ce in Camden, announced that Gregory Clayton was selected as one of eight mediators statewide for the Maine Residential Real Estate Mediation Program. Clayton is a shareholder with the fi rm. The Environmental & Energy Technology Council of Maine elected fi ve members to its board of directors: Kelly Boden, partner, Verrill Dana; Thomas Eschner, senior principal/senior project man- ager, Woodard & Curran; Michelle Neujahr, director, entrepreneurial center, Southern Maine Community College; Sarah Watts, managing environmental scientist and operations manager, Tetra Tech; and Steve Westra, supply chain project manager, Maine Manufacturing Extension Partnership. e council also approved term extensions for six board mem- bers: Chad Allen, senior project engineer, Cianbro; David Ertz, director, construction management, SunEdison; John Ferland, vice president, project development and president, ORPC Solutions, Ocean Renewable Power Co.; Jim Katsiafi cas, director, Perkins Thompson; Becky Metivier, marketing manager, Sage Data Security LLC; and Jeffrey Thaler, professor/assistant university counsel, University of Maine/ University of Maine School of Law. Looking for exciting business events? Go to to view and post events. @ Between now and Christmas, Catholic Charities Maine's Emergency Services Hotline will take more than 600 calls from Maine families who find themselves in a situation they never thought possible. In one year we'll be called upon to serve thousands statewide who struggle daily for things many of us might take for granted: heating oil, food, clothing and rent. If your company has cause to celebrate this year, please consider a gift to our Christmas Appeal and share the spirit of the season with Mainers in need. Donate now at or by calling our Development Office at (207) 523-1188. If your company is in the black, will you help someone see red this holiday? You can be sure that a gift to Catholic Charities Maine goes where it is needed most — in fact, more than 91 cents of every dollar we receive goes directly to those in need all over our state. We have the talent you need 207-854-2422 1-800-639-8802 • Finance/ accounting professionals • Sales/marketing • Management • Administrative experts • Health Care professionals • Engineers Call us today! A corporate division of Maine Staffing Group Elliott Barry Gregory Clayton Tom Peaco

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