
November 30, 2015

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W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 15 N OV E M B E R 3 0 , 2 0 1 5 H OW TO A s many businesses know, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently proposed rule changes to the "white collar" overtime exemptions under the Fair Labor Standards Act and invited comments from inter- ested parties. e proposal would raise the minimum salary required for these exemptions to the 40th percentile of earnings for full-time employees — currently $921 per week ($47,892 annually), but could be $970 per week ($50,440 annually) by the time the fi nal rule is issued in 2016. is increase would be a substan- tial jump from the current weekly sal- ary minimum of $455 and would have a disproportionate economic eff ect on businesses in Maine, where salaries are not as high as the urban centers on which the 40th percentile standard is based. e proposed new rule also would provide for automatic updates to the minimum salary levels annu- ally. If annual updating is included in the fi nal rules, it could mean busi- nesses would have to increase exempt employees' salaries each year to main- tain the exemption. As many businesses also know, to be exempt from overtime require- ments, an exempt employee must not only meet minimum salary require- ments but also must meet certain duties tests under the separate executive, administrative and profes- sional exemptions. e DOL did not propose any specifi c changes to the relevant duties tests in its proposed rule. Instead, it sought input from interested parties during the comment period to determine whether it should also make changes to the duties tests. e comment period ended on Sept. 4 and garnered close to 250,000 responses. e DOL must now review those comments before issuing its fi nal revised rule, which is anticipated sometime in 2016. Although it remains to be seen how much the DOL will increase the weekly minimum salary required to meet the overtime exemptions, and whether it will make changes to the duties tests to impose additional burdens on meeting the relevant exemptions, the DOL likely will make some salary increases and employers must be prepared. So what does this mean for busi- nesses in Maine? For starters, it means that you may need to pay currently exempt executive, administrative and pro- fessional employees more — maybe substantially more — to maintain their current exempt status and avoid the requirement to pay overtime. If you are considering the eff ect of these changes on long-range planning, you might want to project, for now, that the minimum salary will start at or near $50,000 and could move up steadily from there. It is notewor- thy that the proposed new rule may permit employers to count some level of commission payments toward the minimum salary requirement. If the proposed higher salary threshold is too burdensome, you may want to consider reclassifying your exempt employees as non-exempt employees entitled to overtime. Such a reclassifi cation could, of course, have a negative eff ect on employee morale due to the perception of a demotion, reduced benefi ts and fl exibility and loss of opportunities for incentive pay. Because of these negatives and others, you may want to reclassify employ- ees as non-exempt but continue to pay them on a salary basis. ere are benefi ts to paying non-exempt employees on a salary basis if you are able to meet what is known as the fl uctuating work week test. Whether you continue to pay new non-exempt employees on a salary basis or an hourly basis, you will need to pay overtime if such an employee works more than 40 hours in a work week. It would be important in either case to manage overtime hours to realize a cost benefi t in this approach. e pro- posed changes also represent a good opportunity to review and, if neces- sary, bolster the current exempt status of your employees and even consider some alternative payment plans. Don't be caught unprepared. e changes are coming, so planning now and understanding your options will help you to meet these new challenges head on. Eric UhL, a shareholder in the Portland law off ice of Littler M e n d e l s o n , c a n b e r e a c h e d a t e U h L @ L i t t L e r . c O m Get prepared for new labor exemption rules B Y E R I C U H L Authorized Dealer 1-800-370-3473 Advancing security, life safety, and communications. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY BE PREPARED

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