
November 16, 2015

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W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 31 N OV E M B E R 1 6 , 2 0 1 5 Spurwink, a nonprofi t in Portland that provides behavioral health and educa- tional services, promoted Misty Marston to program director for Spurwink at Cornville and Whitney Taggart to assis- tant program director – residential at Spurwink's Chelsea program. Marston was previously associate program director of residential treatment while Taggart was most recently a clinician at the Chelsea location. Cross Insurance, a subsidiary of Cross Financial Corp. in Bangor, promoted Gary Heaslip to president of Cross Insurance Inc. – Rhode Island, in East Providence, R.I. Heaslip was previ- ously an executive at the offi ce. [ A P P O I N T M E N T S ] The Maine AFL-CIO elected Cynthia Phinney as president and re-elected Patrick Carleton as vice president. Phinney is a meter reader for Central Maine Power Co. while Carleton is a papermaker at the Sappi mill in Hinckley. Tedford Housing, a nonprofi t in Brunswick working to fi nd solutions to end homelessness, elected Sally Loving and Joyce McPhetres to its board of directors. Loving is a self-employed communica- tions consultant for advocacy groups in Washington, D.C., and New York. McPhetres is the chief human resources offi cer at Community Health Options. Maine Association of Nonprofi ts in Portland elected Hayden Andersen, Jayne Crosby Giles, Vernon Moore and Ken Stafford to its board of directors. Anderson is executive director of the Maine Humanities Council, Crosby Giles is CEO of Mainestream Finance, Moore is a retired University of New England professor and Staff ord is founder of StaffordAdvisors. In addition, the organi- zation re-elected its offi cers including Doug Woodbury, president; Ted Scontras, vice president; Stephanie Eglinton, sec- retary; and Joan Smith, treasurer. James Eaton and Keri Seitz were elected to the Maine Manufacturing Extension Partnership board of directors. Eaton owns Little Harbor Window Co. Inc. in Berwick while Seitz is a consultant to the medical technology industry. 162 Main St., Freeport, ME • (207) 865-9377 • Professional Facilities With A Personal Touch Freeport, Maine's Premier Meeting Space and Hotel Safety doesn't happen by accident. We can help you prepare for tomorrow with integrated systems for security, life safety, and communications. Authorized Dealer 1-800-370-3474 Misty Marston Whitney Taggart

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