Worcester Business Journal

October 12, 2015

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www.wbjournal.com October 12, 2015 • Worcester Business Journal 3 Let's get down to brass tacks. We're all in this to make money. Businesses do many wonderful things: provide jobs, make products, deliver ser- vices, contribute to the economy and com- munity; raise the region's profile. But it all starts with money. Even for nonprofits, providing their social services is contingent on having enough revenue. This has been and will be our underlying mission here at Worcester Business Journal, delivering to our business-to-business audience the necessary market intelligence to realize those top-line revenue growth opportunities and show- case best practices to maximize bottom-line profit. In this, my first issue as editor of the Worcester Business Journal, my promise is to always keep the business decision maker in mind with everything we report and write. Special acknowledgment not only goes to my predecessor, Rick Saia, but to Christina P. O'Neill for heroically sailing this ship straight and true as interim editor for the last month. Not only will WBJ be your go-to publication for market intel- ligence, we will deliver it in the way that best suits your lifestyle. WBJournal.com will provide quick-hit business news, packaged conveniently into email newsletters. Our biweekly print edition will have business insights for you to fully understand market conditions and how they impact your business. Please engage us on LinkedIn, Twitter (@WBJournal) and Facebook, where we will discuss the issues of upmost importance to our community. Alright, everyone, now let's go make some money. - Brad Kane (bkane@WBJournal.com) This Week In The WBJ Worcester Business Journal (ISSN#1063- 6595) is published bi-weeky, 24x per year, including 5 special issues in April, July, September, November and December, by New Engand Business Media. 172 Shrewsbury St., Worcester, MA 01604. Periodicals postage paid at Worcester, MA. Copyright 2015. All rights reserved. Postmaster: Please send address changes to: Worcester Business Journal, PO Box 330, Congers, NY 10920-9894. Subscriptions: Annual subscriptions are available for $54.95. For more information, please email wbjournal@cambeywest.com or contact our circulation department at 845-267-3008. Fax: 845.267.3478 Advertising: For advertising information, please call Mark Murray at 508-755-8004 ext. 227. Fax: 508-755-8860. Worcester Business Journal accepts no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts or materials and in general does not return them to the sender. Worcester Business Journal • 172 Shrewsbury Street • Worcester, MA 01604 • 508-755-8004 tel. • 508-755-8860 fax www.wbjournal.com A division of: WBJ on the Web From news to information about events and awards, we have it all at WBJournal.com. Energy Summit Please join us for the 9th Annual Mass Energy Summit on October 21, 2015 at the DCU Center, Worcester where leaders from the energy sector and business executives share the latest market intelligence on controlling the energy line item on your company's budget. Find out more at www.wbjournal.com/ massenergysummit. NEWS & ANALYSIS 17 Bank mergers aren't only about the numbers In combining two banks, company culture is a make-or-break element. Women in Business Please join the Worcester Business Journal along with presenting sponsors Health New England and WPI - Robert A. Foisie School of Business for a special celebration luncheon honoring the 2015 Outstanding Women In Business on November 13, 2015 at Tuckerman Hall, Worcester. Honorees announced in our October 26 edition! Register at www.wbjournal.com/womeninbusiness. Business intelligence, delivered how you want it 12 12 Winter's energy prices going up and down ISO New England works to keep electricity prices low as natural gas volatility will once again be an issue until spring. 14 Mass Save lessens impact of rate increases on business Money-saving programs yield savings on everything from furnaces to solar panels. CORRECTION: In the September 28 issue's '10 Things I Know About…' column, the byline was incorrect. It should have read, By Tom Willett. DEPARTMENTS 20 Accolades & Honors 4 Briefing 29 Editorial 28 Flash Poll 21 Fresh Beginnings 26 Incorporations 23 Knowhow 25 Movers & Shakers 27 Networking/Events 30 Photo Finish 5 Real Deals 8 Ticker 29 Viewpoint ON PAGE ONE NLRB ruling challenges employer-employee relationship A federal ruling that is likely to encounter legal challenges increases the responsibility of firms that hire employees through third parties. The old college try The region's colleges have banded together to form a group large enough to make self-insuring a viable alternative. Editor, Brad Kane, bkane@wjournal.com Staff Writers Sam Bonacci, sbonacci@wbjournal.com (Banking & Finance, Real Estate, Manufacturing, Technology) Emily Micucci, emicucci@wbjournal.com (Health Care) Staff Writer/Copy Editor Carol McDonald, cmcdonald@wbjournal.com Contributors Susan Shalhoub, sshalhoub@wbjournal.com Livia Gershon Christina P. O'Neill Research Director, Stephanie Meagher smeagher@nebusinessmedia.com Research Assistant, Heide Martin hmartin@wbjournal.com Production Director, Kira Beaudoin kbeaudoin@wbjournal.com Associate Art Director, Mitchell Hayes mhayes@wbjournal.com Manager of Video/Multimedia Services, Matthew Volpini mvolpini@nebusinessmedia.com Director, Major Accounts Bonnie Leroux, bleroux@wbjournal.com Senior Accounts Manager Matt Majikas, mmajikas@wbjournal.com Accounts Manager Rena Barbieri, rbarbieri@wbjournal.com Custom Publishing Project Manager Christine Juetten, cjuetten@wbjournal.com Marketing & Events Manager Kris Prosser, kprosser@wbjournal.com Controller, Mary Rogers mrogers@nebusinessmedia.com Accounting Assistant, Valerie Clark vclark@nebusinessmedia.com Collections Manager, Raki Zwiebel rzwiebel@nebusinessmedia.com Human Resources, Kim Vautour kvautour@nebusinessmedia.com Publisher, CEO, Peter Stanton pstanton@nebusinessmedia.com Associate Publisher, Mark Murray mmurray@wbjournal.com Group Publisher, Joseph Zwiebel jzwiebel@nebusinessmedia.com SHOP TALK 8 Q&A with Jay Samit, president, SeaChange International in Acton Energy FOCUS COLUMN 22 Pitching for success A three-pronged approach to determining where your product fits in. THE LIST 16 Top Clean Energy companies in Central Massachusetts 2008 Business Women In 2009 Business Women In 2009 Business Women In 2009 Business Women In 2009 Business Women In Outstanding

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