Hartford Business Journal

October 5, 2015

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2 Hartford Business Journal • October 5, 2015 www.HartfordBusiness.com Nominate them today, for the chance to be recognized with this special award. NOMINATION DEADLINE: October 6, 2015 Special Edition Publishes: December 7, 2015 Nominate now! Health Care Heroes 2015 Awards Event: December 2, 2015, Connecticut Convention Center, Hartford The Health Care Heroes Awards identifies outstanding leaders in the health care industry who are the epitome of a "hero." Whether they are companies, doctors, nurses, specialists or managers, join us in recognizing those who embody the word "hero" and prove their excellence in helping others. Categories: • Advancement in Healthcare-Innovation • Community Service-Advocacy/Policy • Corporate Achievement-Healthiest Workplace • Corporate Achievement-Innovation • Health Care Staff • Nurse • Physician • Volunteer Nominate at: HartfordBusiness.com/Heroes Recognize a deserving client, coworker, boss, friend, spouse or colleague for a job well done. Presenting Sponsor: Event Sponsors: Event Partners: LAST CHANCE to nominate!

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