
October 5, 2015

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V O L . X X I N O. X X I I I O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 5 40 U S I N E S S M A I N E I N S H O R T N E W S WO R T H Y P E O P L E A N D P E R F O R M A N C E S CIEE: Council on International Educational Exchange in Portland promoted Maritheresa Frain to executive vice president of study abroad. Frain was previously vice president of academic aff airs. The Maine Municipal Association in Augusta promoted Stephen Gove to executive director. Gove previously served as deputy executive director and director of the Maine Municipal Employees Health Trust insurance division. [ A P P O I N T M E N T S ] United Way of Eastern Maine in Bangor announced Elizabeth Sutherland and Ric Tyler were appointed as 2015 campaign co-chairs. Sutherland is a principal at Sutherland Weston Marketing Communications Tyler is a media professional with Blueberry Broadcasting. Avesta Housing, a nonprofi t aff ord- able housing provider in Portland, added Carol Fortier and Jonathan Culley to its board of directors. Fortier is a community advo- cate while Culley is with Redfern Properties in Portland. United Way of Androscoggin County in Lewiston announced Agustin Mojica, Norm Beauparlant and Denis D'Auteuil joined its board of directors. Mojica is with Procter & Gamble - Tambrands, Beauparlant with the city of Lewiston and D'Auteuil with the city of Auburn. The Abbe Museum in Bar Harbor added Abbe Levin, Margo Lukens, Patti Selig and Chris Sockalexis as trustees to its board of directors. Levin is a cultural development consultant and has served as the cultural tour- ism coordinator for the Maine Offi ce of Tourism, Lukens is a professor in the University of Maine Department of English and serves as chair of the Department of New Media and director of academic programs in Innovation Engineering, Selig is owner of the Cranberry Hill Inn in Southwest Harbor and Sockalexis is the tribal historic preservation offi cer for the Penobscot Nation. [ A C H I E V E M E N T S ] e New York Academy of Medicine awarded the 2015 Lewis Rudin Glaucoma Prize, recognizing the contributions of physicians and sci- entists working on the challenges of glaucoma, to Krishnakumar Kizhatil, an associate research scientist at The Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor. Jensen Baird Gardner & Henry, a law fi rm in Portland, announced that attorneys Deborah Mann and Natalie Burns were selected by their peers for inclusion in the 2016 edition of Best Lawyers in America as "Lawyers of the Year." e fi rm had a total of 15 attorneys recognized as Best Lawyers in the annual publication. Maine Maritime Museum in Bath pre- sented its 2015 Mariners Award to the Maine Pilotage Commission and the Port of Portland Board of Harbor Commissioners. e award is presented to an individual or organization that has made contributions to Maine's maritime heritage and impacted the state's culture and economy. Eaton Peabody, a law fi rm in Bangor, announced that attorneys Edward Feibel and Andrew Hamilton were selected by their peers for inclusion in the 2016 edition of Best Lawyers in America as "Lawyers of the Year." e fi rm had a total of 15 attorneys recog- nized in the annual publication. The Maine Department of Environmental Protection announced that the Presque Isle Landfi ll Design/Build Project won the 2015 Governor's Award for Environmental Excellence in the Public Sector. CES Inc., a fi rm of engi- neers, environmental scientists and professional surveyors in Brewer, is the city's environmental and engi- neering consultant for the project. The University of Maine at Farmington was recognized as the top Maine col- lege in Washington Monthly's "2015 Best Bang for the Buck" rankings. e college was listed No. 14 in " e Other College Guide: A Roadmap for the Right School for You." Baker Newman Noyes, an accounting and consulting fi rm in Portland, was listed No. 105 in the nation by INSIDE Public Accounting for 2015 for fi rms that range in size from $15 million to $32.4 million and from 58 to 235 staff . Looking for exciting business events? Go to to view and post events. @ Stephen Gove Maritheresa Frain

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