
October 5, 2015

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T H E L I S T F O C U S N O R T H E R N M A I N E / printsub S U B S C R I B E S E E W H O ' S N E X T O N PA G E 4 2 » Loring Commerce Centre tops our list of Maine's largest business and industrial parks. M ainebiz is proud to present our NEXT List for 2015. We're often asked what it means to be a NEXTer and the reality is there's no one definition. Yet if there's one characteristic this year, the NEXT honorees we present in these pages know how to get things done, either through previously defined paths or by making their own paths. Time and again in the profiles presented here, you'll read accounts of someone who was faced with a major professional challenge — whether it was losing a job, being short on necessary capital or having to challenge industry norms. In each case, the entrepreneurs here were able to find a way. You might also notice that the NEXTers share some common traits: ey're skillful communicators, they know how to collaborate and they aren't afraid to try a new direction. We think you'll agree that the NEXTers are helping shape the future of Maine. P RO F I L E S S TA R T O N PA G E 1 4 » JENNIFER OLSEN AARON ANKER KEVIN LEWIS LAURIE LACHANCE BENJAMIN SHAW NAT PEIRCE DEREK VOLK ROBERT HILLMAN LEIGH KELLIS CHRIS GARDNER Ten business leaders who are trailblazers in their industries S P O N S O R E D B Y $2.00 October 5, 2015 VO L . X X I N O. X X I I I

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