
September 7, 2015

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V O L . X X I N O. X X S E P T E M B E R 7 , 2 0 1 5 32 A donation to College of the Atlantic's business incubator will allow an unusual program to graduate from its scraping-by status to a permanent place in the curriculum. e Diana Davis Spencer Foundation, honoring a late Mount Desert Island summer resident, has given $1.5 million to the program, which the college calls " e Hatchery." On the scenic campus of this small, alternative college of about 350 students, where space is at a premium, e Hatchery is located in a refur- bished tennis shed. "It's our version of the Silicon Valley garage," jokes Jay Friedlander, who runs the program. e Hatchery gives COA students a chance to start a business and earn college credit in an interdisciplin- ary environment. Since the program was established in 2010, eff orts have focused on alternative energy, advo- cacy, food systems and the creative economy. Each student admitted into the program receives up to $5,000 in seed capital and has access to mentors, lawyers, accountants, designers and public relations professionals. Friedlander arrived at COA seven years ago to found the college's Sustainable Business Program. He previously served as chief operating offi cer for the former O'Naturals Inc., a Falmouth-based natural and organic fast-food restaurant group. He's also worked with senior executives of Fortune 500 companies as a strategy consultant, developing and imple- menting global brand experiences and customer-centered growth strategies for clients that included Citigroup. Friedlander defi nes sustainable busi- ness in terms of abundance. "What you're looking for is enter- prise — for-profi t, nonprofi t, little busi- nesses, huge businesses — that creates abundance for the environment, for society, and also as a business," he says. "You're looking for the trifecta: How do you grow an enterprise that is fi nan- cially robust and, as it grows, helps with issues such as resource usage and social A 'Hatchery' for student entrepreneurs Foundation grant helps launch COA's venture incubator B y L a u r i e S c h r e i b e r Jay Friedlander, founder of College of the Atlantic's Sustainable Business Program, stands in front of the Bar Harbor college's version of the Silicon Valley garage, The Hatchery, an incubator for student entrepreneurs. P H O T O / L A U R I E S C H R E I B E R F O C U S Contributions as of August 28, 2015 Call us today to make your contribution. B E N E FA C T O R S ($500,000 and above) Anonymous F O U N D E R S ' C I R C L E ($50,000–$99,999) Drummond Woodsum Ellie and Charlie Miller D I R E C T O R S ' C I R C L E ($25,000–$49,999) Bernstein Shur Carol & David Hancock Charitable Trust Citizens Bank Daniel W. Emery Bill Knowles Pierce Atwood Preti Flaherty Roger Putnam Verrill Dana, LLP V I S I O NA R I E S ($10,000–$24,999) Berman & Simmons William B. Devoe Harold Friedman and Mary Mitchell Friedman Hancock Lumber Nan Heald and Frank D'Alessandro Jensen Baird Gardner & Henry Jim McKenna Norman, Hanson, & DeTroy Patricia A. Peard & Alice C. Brock Perkins ompson Wein-Hirshon Charitable Foundation L E A D E R S ($5,000–$9,999) Anonymous (2) William C. Black and Jackie Potter Deborah L. Bornstein, Joseph L. Bornstein and Law Offices of Joe Bornstein Seth Brewster Conan Deady & Cynthia Berliner Gene R. Cohen Charitable Foundation Wendy J. Harlan Jebediah Foundation, by Daniel Amory, trustee Leo & Rhea Fay Fruhman Foundation Mittel Asen Molleur Law Office Petruccelli Martin and Haddow Blaine and Jennifer Riggle Stone Coast Fund Services Sidney St. F. axter F R I E N D S ($1,000–$4,999) Anonymous Elizabeth Butler CBRE | e Boulos Company Hon. William S. Cohen Anne and Greg Cunningham Marcus & Rebecca Jaynes Hon. John David Kennedy and Kathryn Dion Ralph Lancaster LeBlanc & Young Linda McGill David Polsky and Sandi Bartel Cliff & Patty Ruprecht David Warren Dan and Judy Wathen Join us! You can help us provide fairness and justice for all Mainers! Contact Helen Meyer to discuss your gift to Pine Tree Legal's endowment campaign: 774-4753 or AU G U STA • BA N G O R • L E W I STO N • M AC H IAS PORTL AND • PRESQUE ISLE • WWW.PTL A.ORG More Fairness. Less Poverty.

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