
September 7, 2015

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V O L . X X I N O. X X S E P T E M B E R 7 , 2 0 1 5 24 T he Portland law fi rm of Wakelin, Hallock and O'Donovan has joined with Eaton Peabody, creating what both fi rms say will be the second largest employee benefi ts and executive compensation practice group in the state after Verrill Dana. e new practice group, which includes Eaton Peabody lawyer Edward F. Feibel, will be based in Eaton Peabody's Portland offi ce. e consolidation took eff ect on Sept. 1 and includes moving Wakelin, Hallock and O'Donovan's clients over to Eaton Peabody's practice group. "We thought it was best for us and our clients to combine with a larger fi rm that has more of a statewide pres- ence," says David S. Wakelin, noting that his fi rm has been practicing inde- pendently in Portland for 30 years. "Ed is a longtime friend of our offi ce. Over the last fi ve years [since Feibel joined Eaton Peabody] almost every day we're talking with him or he's talking with us. So it was a natural, when we were P H O T O / T I M G R E E N WAY Building a benefits practice Wakelin, Hallock and O'Donovan join Eaton Peabody's Portland office B y J a m e s M c C a r t h y 207-358-7900 | | 84 Middle Street, Portland Milk Street Capital llc No more for a spot searching per day $10 open 4:30Am to 1Am or later. Drive 100 yards past baggage claim, look for our green sign. 747-5650 Valet parking At the Airport Left to right: David S. Wakelin, Edward F. Feibel, Leslie C. Hallock, Anne E. O'Donovan, who comprise Eaton Peabody's employee benefi ts and executive compensation practice group, join David M. Austin, managing partner of Eaton Peabody, in the conference room at the fi rm's Portland offi ce.

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