Worcester Business Journal

August 31, 2015

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40 Worcester Business Journal • August 31, 2015 www.wbjournal.com Best Advertising Agency Best Web Design Firm Proud Winner of Two 2015 Best of Business Awards Join the WBJ's LinkedIn discussion group by scanning the code to the left on your smartphone. To scan the code, you need the NeoReader. Visit get.neoreader.com to download it onto your phone. Want to participate in the conversation? F L A S H P O L L O T H E R V O I C E S COME TOGETHER — FOR FOOD In its Aug. 22 edition, The Boston Globe opined that better coordination throughout New England would reduce inefficiencies and duplication in food production. The editorial cited an "acute need" for a sustainable approach that matches the growing demand with the potential supply. "If the local-food movement is going to be more than a high-priced hobby, it is going to take regional coordination." Boston Globe, Aug. 22 CAN YOU TELL ME HOW TO GET - TO HBO? New episodes of the long-running PBS classic educational show "Sesame Street" will air on HBO beginning later this year. That decision prompted an editorial from a Central Massachusetts newspaper. "This change … raises the question of what it will mean for children — or their parents — who have faithfully kept tuned to PBS so they could get some quality broadcasting." MetroWest Daily News, Aug. 21 F ull of bombast and bluster, billionaire Donald Trump is still polling high in his bid for the Republican presidential nomination. He has begun to detail his positions on such issues as immigration, in which he said he advocates the deportation of entire families, who can then apply for re-entry. He's also promising to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. With just months to go before the first primary votes are cast, what do readers think of Trump's candidacy? Most aren't sold on it. What do you think of Donald Trump's chances in his bid for the White House? Can Trump win? Most readers say no U .S. stock markets plunged nearly 10 percent over the last two weeks, largely in reaction to markets around the world and based on concerns about sputtering economies in China and other countries. Meanwhile, the U.S. economy keeps growing, but only steadily. All of this could lead the Federal Reserve to forestall an increase in interest rates, which many have been expecting for months. Is any of this cause enough for you to worry? In last week's Flash Poll, readers indicated that there's more to worry about. What's your biggest worry about the U.S. economy? China? Stock market? There are other worries out there COMMENTS: "Lack of well-paying jobs." Recent drop in U.S. stock markets 15% "Continuously higher taxes and regulation/laws/policies." "Student loan debt, and because of that debt, young people can't buy houses." COMMENTS: 3% Forget it. He's a clown 28% "This country needs to be shaken up. … We need a leader who will lead and not play politically correct all the time." "He'll drop out after he loses the first two or three states, but at least he's making the other candidates rethink their positions." He'll be brought down to earth before the primaries 10% "Donald Trump would make us all proud to be an American again, just like Ronald Reagan." He'll drop out during the primaries 20.5% He'll drop out during the primaries and launch a third-party campaign 20.5% He'll win the nomination but lose the election He's going all the way 18% Economic slowdown in China and elsewhere 26% High value of the dollar relative to foreign currencies 15% Something else (see comments) 44%

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