
August 10, 2015

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V O L . X X I N O. X V I I I f you want to know the movers and shakers behind Maine's booming beer industry, getting to know Heather Sanborn would be a good first step. And that's not just because she's the director of business operations for Rising Tide Brewing Co., the Portland brewery she co-owns with her hus- band, Nathan, the company's head brewer. Her unique career path — starting out as a high school teacher and then studying law to become an attorney — has led Sanborn to become one of the Maine beer industry's leading advocates. Now serving as president of the Maine Brewers' Guild, Sanborn works with the nonprofit's executive direc- tor to promote and protect the state's more than 60 breweries and brewpubs — which, combined with retailers and wholesalers, led the beer industry to have a nearly $1.3 billion economic impact in Maine last year, according to the Beer Institute. "is is a really unique industry that we get to be a part of," Sanborn says on a recent morning on the patio outside Rising Tide's facility. "As a result, I think we can have a really strong organization because we can sit in a room and talk about how we wish the world were and often get on the same page, even though we have breweries that are mak- ing 100 barrels a year and breweries that are making 150,000 barrels a year within the state." Brewing success B y D y l a n M a r t i n P H O T O / W I L L I A M T R E VA S K I S F O O D A N D B E V E R AG E Heather Sanborn Director of business operations Rising Tide Brewing Rising Tide Brewing Co. 103 Fox St., Portland Founded: 2010 Product: Beer Employees: 14 full-time, 2 part-time Revenue: Would not disclose Contact: 370-2337 Heather Sanborn, director of business operations at Rising Tide Brewing Co. in Portland, uses her legal skills to help not only her company but also Maine's booming beer industry. A U G U S T 1 0 , 2 0 1 5 24

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