
August 10, 2015

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T H E L I S T F O C U S G R E AT E R B A N G O R / printsub S U B S C R I B E S E E W H O ' S N E X T O N PA G E 4 2 » Hannaford Bros. Co. tops our list of Maine's largest private employers. P H O T O S / W I L L I A M T R E VA S K I S KRISTEN MAILE GENA CANNING HEATHER SANBORN LOIS SKILLINGS PRESEN T ING SP ONSORS P RO F I L E S S TA R T O N PA G E 1 6 » Mainebiz is proud to present the 2015 Women to Watch. This year's honorees have shown the skill, tenacity and smarts to make a difference not only at their own companies or organizations, but in their particular industries as well. Maine is the stronger for their efforts. We think you'll enjoy their stories. $2.00 August 10, 2015 VO L . X X I N O. X V I I

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