
June 29, 2015

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W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 23 J U N E 2 9 , 2 0 1 5 Coaches Inc., a Portland provider of on-site coaching, health screening, fi tness and wellness center design. "If workers are chronically out of the offi ce, a dis- proportionate portion of the work falls to someone else. And many companies just aren't in a position to add more staff " to do that work, says Holmes. Now, employers are moving beyond off ering generic programs like company-wide fi tness chal- lenges or gym discounts, and crafting more custom- ized initiatives, designed to garner more participa- tion from the people who need the benefi t the most. " e challenging part is delivering it in a way that maximizes participation and breaks down as many barriers as possible for those with the greatest risks," Holmes says. Often that means taking a layered approach — say, by conducting health screenings, then following up with private coaching, online wellness appli- cations that employees can use on their own and newsletters with information about things like safe exercise and healthy recipes. "We're trying to provide more privacy with these programs," says Holmes. While someone who has a major weight or chronic health issue may not feel comfortable showing up to a group class, "if you attract that individual to take one to two action steps in the privacy of their own home, sometimes that's the catalyst that starts them on the path to wellness," he adds. Just as important is reaching the younger work- ers, who often aren't even getting routine physicals and might not know health issues are lurking. "A lot of the individuals in their 20s and 30s aren't aware that their blood pressure is high or bor- derline high, because they're not getting physicals," he says. "Our goal is to identify those issues before they become chronic illnesses." It can be diffi cult to measure return on invest- ment on wellness programs. Programs carry direct program costs, as well as indirect costs such as time and staffi ng, but many employers are fi nding that the boost to a wellness culture pays off . Even beyond the prospect of lowering health- care premiums, "it's worth supporting," says Susan Ouellette, manager of human resources with Kleinschmidt, a Pittsfi eld-based consultancy that provides engineering, regulatory and environmental services to the hydroelectric industry. At Kleinschmidt, for instance, the company helps fund a personal trainer to visit the work- place twice weekly along with a weekly yoga class. Employees are encouraged to use their lunch breaks to run and go on bike rides, and are even given a place to store their bikes. An on-site workout area has become a central gathering place for employees who work at four separate buildings on campus. "We have stressful work and it's just good for people to get out of their offi ces and outside and move," says Ouellette, who is president of the Kennebec Valley Human Resources Association. "It gives people an opportunity to do something besides work, and an opportunity to build some camaraderie while reducing stress and enhancing overall wellness." J e n n i F e r Van A l l e n, a w r i te r ba s e d i n Ya r m o u t h , c a n b e r e a c h e d a t e D i t o r i a l @ m a i n e b i z . b i z NOMINATIONS CLOSE July 2 Mainebiz is seeking nominations for women business owners, CEOs, presidents, and top executives who have a proven track record of success and who have been trailblazers and mentors to be our 2015 Women to Watch. Do you know a Woman to Watch? PRESEN T ING SP ONSORS Submit your nominations today! Mainebiz will select honorees and profile them in our special Women to Watch issue on August 10, and celebrate with them during a special reception on September 15 at The Westin Portland Harborview. For more information and to submit nominations, visit womentowatch /womentowatch / FOLLOW US @MBEVENTS #MBW2W15

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