
June 29, 2015

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F U L L C O N T E N T S O N PA G E 4 » M O R E I N S I D E T H E L I S T / printsub S U B S C R I B E P H O T O / T I M G R E E N WAY Rachel S. Harrow tops our list of Maine's highest-paid state employees. C O N T I N U E D O N PA G E 2 0 » Brunswick company helps employers make the 'right hire' B y J a m e s M c c a r t h y H iring, developing and training the right people are the top three prob- lems for most business owners and CEOs, says Art Boulay, CEO of Brunswick- based Strategic Talent Management. Even so, he says, a surprisingly high number of them still rely heavily on the traditional personal interview and their intuitive 'gut instinct' to guide their hiring decisions. It's not surprising to Boulay, then, that when he asks those owners or CEOs what percentage of their employees would they rate as mediocre performers, the typical response is 60%. S E E W H O ' S N E X T O N PA G E 3 0 » 16 Farmers markets blossoming The number of Maine farmers markets has doubled over a period of eight years, driven by demand for fresh, local produce. 22 Now trending in HR The cost of health care benefits has some firms looking at preventative care and even financial counseling. 25 Deer Isle coffee co. expands 44 North Coffee has grown beyond a roasting facility and now has a new cafe in Stonington. F O C U S H R /B E N E F I T S P L A N N I N G S TA R T I N G O N P A G E 12 » Harbor Technologies challenges the supremacy of steel and concrete bridge beams B y J a m e s m c c a r t h y Martin Grimnes, founder and CEO of Harbor Technologies Inc. in Brunswick, says composites will play an ever-greater role in building highway bridges, piers, ports, harbors and marinas due to their lighter weight, longer life cycle and lower maintenance costs. $2.00 June 29, 2015 VO L . X X I N O. X I I I

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