
June 1, 2015

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V O L . X X I N O. X I J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 5 22 S tandup paddleboarding is the fastest growing segment of water sports equipment, and an upstart business in Eliot has found a niche in the business. Tidal Roots was founded in May 2014 after three years of what could loosely be defi ned as "research and development." "We were both doing a lot of fl y fi shing," says Kyle Schaefer, who started Tidal Roots with Kent Scovill. Over 40 years of sophisticated legal services in business and corporate litigation and trial practice, construction, education, employment, land use regulation, and real estate and banking law. 75 Pearl Street, Portland, Maine 04101 | (207) 773-5651 | Our attorneys are experts at helping small business owners establish and grow their businesses. Do you know the key to success? PORTLANDGLASS.COM PORTLANDGLASS.COM Kyle Schaefer (left) and Kent Scovill founded Tidal Roots in Eliot a year ago. They handcraft wooden standup paddleboards for specifi c uses like fl y fi shing, yoga and fl at-water paddling. P H O T O / P E T E R VA N A L L E N Crafted in Maine, paddled everywhere Tidal Roots finds niche in wooden paddleboards B y P E T E R V A N A L L E N F O C U S

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