Worcester Business Journal

May 25, 2015

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32 Worcester Business Journal • May 25, 2015 www.wbjournal.com T axation never ceases being an issue in any political campaign at any level. Two recent reports addressed the issue of which tax levy is better policy: the income tax, which comes out of our paychecks, or a consumption tax, which is like a sales tax on goods sold, but could also include services or a "value added" levy at different stages of production or distribution. Two weeks ago, we asked which of four possible tax-change strategies readers would favor for Massachusetts. There was a mix of views. Which tax policy action for Massachusetts would you favor? Which way should Mass. go on tax policy? Best Advertising Agency Best Web Design Firm Proud Winner of Two 2015 Best of Business Awards COMMENTS: Join the WBJ's LinkedIn discussion group by scanning the code to the left on your smartphone. To scan the code, you need the NeoReader. Visit get.neoreader.com to download it onto your phone. Want to participate in the conversation? T he state's major health insurers recently reported millions of dollars in losses during the first quarter, with most of them blaming provisions of the federal Affordable Care Act (ACA), as well as increasing costs of specialty medications. In a letter to the federal government that addressed the ACA's impact on Massachusetts, Gov. Charlie Baker said increases in insurance premiums have "disproportionately" affected small businesses. In last week's Flash Poll, more than 60 percent of respondents said their health insurance costs have risen at least 10 percent this year. By what percentage did your company's health insurance premiums rise this year? Most companies saw double-digit health insurance hikes COMMENTS: F L A S H P O L L T A L K B A C K 30% Lower or dump the income tax and raise sales tax "How about option E: Lower all taxes!" "Place the cost of government on those who can afford the taxes and encourage savings as any dollar NOT spent is NOT taxed." More than 20% 22% "Dump the income tax and lower the sales tax and stop the waste in government." 5-10% 19.5% "Had to switch into a high-deductible plan to stay within similar costs." "Less of an increase than we thought but we increased our deductible and switched carriers." 15% Lower or dump the sales tax and raise income tax 32% Nothing – keep things the way they are 23% Dump the income tax and expand the sales tax to cover the consumption of at least some services DEFLATEGATE FALLOUT: FAR FROM OVER? OK, this isn't exactly about business, but it's big enough for us to not ignore it. We launched a LinkedIn discussion on the penalties handed down by the NFL to Tom Brady and the Patriots over the alleged deflation of footballs in January's AFC Championship game. "Unfortunately for Brady, this was not a court of law but a private business matter where now real jurisprudence applies. And I am guessing there was the assumption that, on appeal, the punishment will be cut in half as it often is." LinkedIn group member Greg Aldrich "The penalty may be reduced, but only if Brady is willing to make a deal. If he really digs in, this is going to court." LinkedIn group member Francis Mahoney WHAT ABOUT THOSE OF US WHO USE MOBILE PHONES? An online reader raised a question over a May 13 report that Massachusetts will receive $455,000 in connection with a $158 million state and federal settlement with Sprint and Verizon over alleged unauthorized cell phone charges. "Why is the state getting it and not the mobile customers affected?" Online reader Sandro 10-15% 19.5% Less than 5% 17% 15-20% 14% 8% Went down or stayed the same

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