Worcester Business Journal

May 11, 2015

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32 Worcester Business Journal • May 11, 2015 www.wbjournal.com T he legislature and Gov. Charlie Baker appear headed for a showdown over the state's film tax credit, which gives production houses a break equal to 25 percent of the wages they pay within Massachusetts. Baker's administration wants to phase out the credit over two years, while the House version of the fiscal year 2016 state budget preserves it. In our poll for the week of April 27, most said keep it or modify it. What should Massachusetts do with its film tax credit? Split sentiment on film tax credit Best Advertising Agency Best Web Design Firm Proud Winner of Two 2015 Best of Business Awards COMMENTS: Join the WBJ's LinkedIn discussion group by scanning the code to the left on your smartphone. To scan the code, you need the NeoReader. Visit get.neoreader.com to download it onto your phone. Want to participate in the conversation? I n less than two months, the new state law mandating paid sick time will take effect. Under the 2014 ballot initiative, employers with at least 11 workers must provide up to 40 hours a year of paid sick leave. Are employers informed and ready? Based on last week's Flash Poll, it appears that just about everyone at least knows something about the pending change. How well do you or your HR staff know the details of the state's new law mandating sick time? Who's ready for the new sick-time law? COMMENTS: F L A S H P O L L O T H E R V O I C E S 49% Keep it "Losing the tax credit would eliminate many jobs and a significant amount of local income." "The law needs to go into effect, as scheduled, to protect workers and their colleagues. It is every employer's job to keep up with changes in the law." "The credit needs to be kept because the industry is still in the process of getting established" in Massachusetts. 12% Very well "No industry or company should be given privileged status with tax credits." "A six-month delay until January 1, 2016 would allow employers to put systems into place to implement this law." "Take sick time as needed. Abuse it and risk termination. It is that simple." A roundup of recent opinions and perspectives from other major Massachusetts media: "Talking about race in America is important and potentially liberating. But if that conversation about race is to have any value and meaning, it cannot begin and end with an officially sanctioned series of forums overseen by the U.S. Department of Justice." Telegram & Gazette editorial May 3 on calls for addressing race relations in the U.S. "We call on Speaker of the House Robert DeLeo and Gov. Charlie Baker to commit themselves to a transparent government … More important, voters must stand up and demand the same." MetroWest Daily News editorial May 3 advocating broader support for strengthening the state's public records law. "It's all well and good to say the Olympics can transform the city — so can a tornado. Voters want to know what's going to be transformed, and how." Boston Globe editorial May 5 on the potential benefits of hosting the 2024 Summer Olympics in Boston. 15% Modify it 35% Get rid of it 1% Not sure 17% Well enough to grasp the basics 57% I'm still a little fuzzy on some parts of it. 14% What law?

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