Worcester Business Journal

April 27, 2015

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28 Worcester Business Journal • April 27, 2015 www.wbjournal.com T he arrival of spring sometimes brings with it a lift in business optimism. And according to a recent survey by Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM), business confidence in Massachusetts is increasing. So, during the week of April 13, we asked our readers for their outlook about the months ahead, and they apparently concur with the AIM findings. Will your business grow over the remainder of 2015? Business optimism blooms in spring Best Advertising Agency Best Web Design Firm Proud Winner of Two 2015 Best of Business Awards COMMENTS: -RLQWKH:%-·V /LQNHG,QGLVFXVVLRQ JURXSE\VFDQQLQJ WKHFRGHWRWKHOHIW RQ\RXUVPDUWSKRQH To scan the code, you need the NeoReader. Visit get.neoreader.com to download it onto your phone. Want to participate in the conversation? A recent survey found that one in four small businesses don't have websites and that only slightly more than half – 56 percent – have mobile-friendly websites. While we're well into the digital age, it appears that many companies haven't taken full advantage of what the web offers in generating sales or boosting their brand online. But in last week's Flash Poll, an overwhelming percentage of businesses have grasped the importance of their websites. How important is your company's website to its ability to do business? We indeed live in a wired business world F L A S H P O L L O T H E R V O I C E S Yes, substantially 26% "It's just really hard to gauge whether or not consumer spending is stronger." "We are excited about the rest of 2015, and thrilled to now have an office in downtown Worcester!" Yes, a little 35% Mission critical 43% Not sure 16% Important 34% A roundup of recent opinions and perspectives from other Massachusetts media: "The third Monday in April will never be the same in our memories, of course, but even Mother Nature seemed to understand that, this year, it was time to get back to 'normal.' " Boston Herald editorial, April 21, Marathon Day 2015 "All of those who follow sports must ask how much compromising of standards should be expected of our teams, and by extension, by ourselves." Springfield Republican editorial via MassLive.com, April 17, after a jury convicted former New England Patriot Aaron Hernandez of murder. "That constitutes serious government overreach, and betrays the true purpose of the legislation: revenue enhancement, not safety. Lawmakers should move swiftly to delete the surcharge provision if possible, or repeal the law if necessary." Telegram & Gazette editorial April 15 calling for the repeal of all or part of the new law that requires Massachusetts motorists to turn on their headlines when their windshield wipers are on. No, about the same 13% 10% No, we'll do lesss business Somehwat important 14% Not that important 7% 2% Doesn't matter for us

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