Worcester Business Journal

April 27, 2015

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www.wbjournal.com April 27, 2015 • Worcester Business Journal 3 We live and work in a society that places a high value on education. Notice that I steered clear of the word "price" in that last sentence. Yes, the price of education is also high, perhaps even stratospheric for those who face the prospect of paying off daunting college loans after they graduate. But education's price is a different topic for a different conversation. In this issue, we focus on the kind of education that would offer more immediate payback: MBA and workforce development programs. On Page 12, we have two stories that focus on the value Central Massachusetts businesses place on the sometimes-coveted degree, as well as the perspective of the colleges in the region that offer programs, both general MBAs and those with specific focus areas, such as health care and sports management. And on Page 14, read our story on how some schools, helped by government grant money, are working closely with manufacturers to boost their skill level for 21st-century specialties. Supplementing that is a Viewpoint column on Page 29 on how critical Central Massachusetts remains in the much-changed manufacturing industry in New England. While I'm at it, isn't spring a welcome sight? ~ Rick Saia (rsaia@wbjournal.com) This Week In The WBJ Editor, Rick Saia, rsaia@wbjournal.com Web Editor/Columnist Christina H. Davis, cdavis@wbjournal.com Staff Writers Sam Bonacci, sbonacci@wbjournal.com (Banking & Finance, Real Estate, Manufacturing, Technology) Emily Micucci, emicucci@wbjournal.com (Health Care) Staff Writer/Copy Editor Carol McDonald, cmcdonald@wbjournal.com (Education) Contributors Susan Shalhoub, sshalhoub@wbjournal.com Livia Gershon Research Director, Roger Magnus rmagnus@nebusinessmedia.com Research Assistant, Heide Martin hmartin@wbjournal.com Production Director, Kira Beaudoin kbeaudoin@wbjournal.com Associate Art Director, Mitchell Hayes mhayes@wbjournal.com Manager of Video/Multimedia Services, Matthew Volpini mvolpini@nebusinessmedia.com Director, Major Accounts Bonnie Leroux, bleroux@wbjournal.com Senior Accounts Manager Matt Majikas, mmajikas@wbjournal.com Accounts Manager Rena Barbieri, rbarbieri@wbjournal.com Custom Publishing Project Manager Christine Juetten, cjuetten@wbjournal.com Marketing & Events Manager Kris Prosser, kprosser@wbjournal.com Controller, Mary Rogers mrogers@nebusinessmedia.com Accounting Assistant, Valerie Clark vclark@nebusinessmedia.com Collections Manager, Raki Zwiebel rzwiebel@nebusinessmedia.com Human Resources, Kim Vautour kvautour@nebusinessmedia.com Publisher, CEO, Peter Stanton pstanton@nebusinessmedia.com Associate Publisher, Mark Murray mmurray@wbjournal.com Group Publisher, Joseph Zwiebel jzwiebel@nebusinessmedia.com Worcester Business Journal (ISSN#1063- 6595) is published bi-weeky, 24x per year, including 5 special issues in April, July, September, November and December, by New Engand Business Media. 172 Shrewsbury St., Worcester, MA 01604. Periodicals postage paid at Worcester, MA. Copyright 2014. All rights reserved. Postmaster: Please send address changes to: Worcester Business Journal, PO Box 330, Congers, NY 10920-9894. Subscriptions: Annual subscriptions are available for $49.95. For more information, please email wbjournal@cambeywest.com or contact our circulation department at 845-267-3008. Fax: 845.267.3478 Advertising: For advertising information, please call Mark Murray at 508-755-8004 ext. 227. Fax: 508-755-8860. Worcester Business Journal accepts no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts or materials and in general does not return them to the sender. Worcester Business Journal • 172 Shrewsbury Street • Worcester, MA 01604 • 508-755-8004 tel. • 508-755-8860 fax www.wbjournal.com A division of: WBJ on the Web From news to information about events and awards, we have it all at WBJournal.com. Call for nominations: 40 Under Forty We're close to picking this year's 40 Under Forty class. Do you know an up-and-coming business leader in Central Massachusetts who's worthy of being recognized? Fill out a nomination form today at www.wbjournal.com/40underforty/nomination. ON PAGE ONE Urgent care market fills up Health care providers in Central Massachusetts are expanding their store- front urgent care operations. Players from outside the region are also staking their claims. Speaking up for jobs A coalition of labor and community groups in Worcester gained a voice after the recent delay over approval of a $1.2 million deal to sell the former county courthouse. What effect will that have on similar deals in the city's redevelopment quest? Solar energy on menu at WBJ Power Breakfast What are the current and future states of solar energy in Massachusetts? Find out Thursday morning, May 7, when we discuss the issue as part of our Power Breakfast series at the Beechwood Hotel in Worcester. The guest speaker is Matthew Beaton, former state representative from Shrewsbury who is now state secretary for energy and environmental affairs. Register today at www.wbjournal.com/solar. Education with quicker payoffs DEPARTMENTS 24 Accolades & Honors 4 Briefing 22 Digital Diva 29 Editorial 28 Flash Poll 26 Fresh Beginnings 26 Incorporations 23 Knowhow 27 Movers & Shakers 25 Networking/Events 30 -31 Photo Finish 5 Real Deals 8 Ticker 29 Viewpoint 12 So, thinking of pursuing your MBA? When is the right time to pursue that degree you've been thinking about? Work experience may be your best guide, and Central Massachusetts colleges have several offerings that can suit your needs. 14 Classroom partnerships Officials at two Central Massachusetts colleges are seeing increased enrollment in programs that help train workers for roles in new-age manufacturing industries. MBAs & Workforce Development FOCUS Worcester Business Journal's WORCESTER2025 POWER BREAKFAST SERIES POWER BREAKFAST SERIES P O W E R BREAKFAST S E R I E S Worcester Business Journal's Worcester Business Journal's POWER BREAKFAST SERIES Worcester POWER BREAKFAST SERIES Worcester Business Journal's MBA 12 SHOP TALK 8 Q&A with Michael Lussier, president and CEO, Webster First Federal Credit Union, Worcester THE LIST 16 Top accounting firms in Central Massachusetts NEWS & ANALYSIS 9 Railroad vs. residents A two-year-old dispute between a short-line freight rail carrier and Grafton officials is headed before a federal appeals court, and has drawn the attention of U.S. Rep. James McGovern. 10 Paving the way for young entrepreneurs At a former mill building in Worcester, college students are striving to build businesses of the future. Local officials would like them to grow here.

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