
April 20, 2015

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V O L . X X I N O. V I I I A P R I L 2 0 , 2 0 1 5 20 D anielle Conway isn't one to hide behind a desk. Upon greeting me when I arrived for a scheduled tape-recorded interview at her fi fth-fl oor offi ce at the University of Maine School of Law in Portland, she immediately got up and walked over to sit in the chair next to me. She laughed eas- ily when asked if our exceptionally cold and snowy winter had given her any second thoughts about leaving the University of Hawaii's public law school, where she taught for 14 years as the Michael J. Marks Distinguished Professor of Business Law and served as director of the Hawaii Procurement Institute. Her quick answer: No, she's happy to be in Maine and is eager to begin her new assignment as the next dean of the Maine School of Law. In a 45-minute conversation, Conway spoke about her 23-year legal career since graduating cum laude from the Howard University School of Law, which overlaps more than 20 years of active and reserve duty in the U.S. Army, currently as a lieutenant colo- nel. In Hawaii, she earned a reputation as an expert in public procurement law, entrepreneurship and as an advocate for minorities and indigenous peoples. References to the "common good" fi ltered through- out the conversation, with Conway observing that P H O T O / T I M G R E E N WAY A new dean in town Maine Law's new dean comes into a university system undergoing change B y J a m e s M c c a r t h y C O M M E R C I A L R E A L E S T A T E A P P R A I S A L / R E V I E W A N D C O N S U L T I N G Va l u e . K n ow l e d g e . C o m p e t e n C e . e x p e r i e n C e . i n t e g r i t y. t r u s t. Contact mark l. plourde, mai, for a quote. 207-893-8345 | | Our professional unbiased opinions help you make informed commercial real estate decisions statewide serViCes • Commercial Real Estate Appraisal Reports • USPAP Appraisal Review Reports • Expert Testimony and Consulting Providing solutions for diverse hiring needs for Maine companies 207-854-2422 1-800-639-8802 • Finance/ accounting professionals • Skilled laborers • Flaggers • Administrative experts • Health Care professionals • Engineers Call us today! A corporate division of Maine Staffing Group Danielle Conway, who will become dean of the University of Maine School of Law on July 1, comes to the Portland institution from the University of Hawaii at Manoa's William H. Richardson School of Law.

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