
April 20, 2015

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V O L . X X I N O. V I I I A P R I L 2 0 , 2 0 1 5 16 has excellent R&D, but it's spread out all over the state. We have a trained workforce, but no work for them. We need a long-range plan with teeth." ere's no shortage of blame for Maine's shortfalls. He points to the Legislature, MTI, academics and research organizations as all being part of the problem, and all part of the solution. "We live paycheck to pay- check," he says of his lab. "If the state doesn't do well, we don't do well." Strange adds that he's tired of ivory tower academic centers measuring output instead of outcomes. Currently, most researchers' work doesn't lead to science that can be commercialized. " e average academi c doesn't start companies," he says. " ey publish papers. Most discov- ery doesn't lead to commercialization." Internal growth With LSG, incubating businesses within the walls of research and other organizations aims to pump up those commercialization numbers. With its incubator, FBR is looking to grow. "Part of the incubator's creation is to build collaborations in the building with other scientists. It's a new source of income for us, too," she says. She declines to give square-foot rental costs, saying only they're about half of similar space elsewhere. About 5,900 square feet in the building and adjacent areas could house up to eight startups, and those companies could potentially employ a total of 40 people, she notes. Chemonex LLC leases about 700 square feet at FBR for its two employ- ees, founder and entrepreneur Vladimir Koulchin and his wife, who are develop- ing diagnostic kits and immunobiology agents. Trebor Lawton, another serial entrepreneur in the incubator, is working on faster tests for two diff erent lung fun- gal diseases at his new company, Niche Diagnostics LLC. He's leasing about 600 square feet and says he's eager to interact with other startups in the facility. Sheehan describes the third occupant, who prefers to remain anonymous, as a long-time biotech entrepreneur also working on medical diagnostics. Since FBR analyzes blood tests for diseases, and the incubator startups so far are developing the actual test products, the synergy could work well in terms of sharing knowledge from test results to devise better tests, several members of the incubator say. ere's 1 # We're Find out why Androscoggin Bank is the top lender for SBA 504 loans* in Maine at Smarter Banking ™ 1.800.966.9172 • To find smarter solutions for your business needs, contact Dave Eldridge, SVP and Commercial Lending Manager at 207-376-3626 • *As ranked in dollars lent and units by the Small Business Administration for FY 2014. » C O N T I N U E D F RO M P R E V I O U S PA G E Kevin Strange, president of the MDI Biological Laboratory, says science investments need accountability. P H O T O / L E S L I E BOW M A N

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