
April 6, 2015

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W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 21 A P R I L 6 , 2 0 1 5 in attracting new visitors to our region. e 'Two-Nation Vacation' suggests extending what might be a two- to four-day visit to Acadia or New Brunswick into a longer stay of fi ve to seven days that would span the region. On the Maine side, this will benefi t the relatively less visited Bold Coast region, and in New Brunswick, the region south of Saint John." e two destinations began col- laborating in 2003 with small initia- tives, and picked up steam over the past couple of years. "We worked closely with Maine over the past 10 years, and we'd grown to admire and trust each other, to learn marketing tactics and product devel- opment initiatives from each other, to share information and research," says Rose Arsenault, New Brunswick Offi ce of Tourism, Heritage and Culture's project executive. "Also, cross-country destinations are looking for ways to try and make the dollar go further, so partnerships and pooling resources are becoming more important." Lofty goals, modest spending New Brunswick Tourism and the Maine Offi ce of Tourism signed a pact in May 2014 agreeing to jointly invest $1 million over four years, or a mod- est $250,000 a year. e initial focus in 2014 was to refresh the brand and develop content. Website enhancement is key; research shows travelers most likely plan a two-nation vacation well in advance with online research. Funds over the coming three years are going toward development of an integrated marketing and sales campaign designed to create aware- ness and interest in vacationing in both countries. is includes printed brochures, digital marketing through website and social media, media and travel trade familiarization trip sup- port, and public and media relations. Representatives of the region's tour- ism industry were offi cially introduced to the project in October 2013 at a con- ference on Campobello Island. At the time, Trevor Holder, a New Brunswick elected offi cial, told attendees that the province's U.S. travelers tended to be from the Boston-New York City- Philadelphia corridor. Tourism in New Brunswick is a $1 billion-a-year indus- try. "We can drive the Maine numbers up. Maine's got the base and the brand. We've got the international aspect," Holder told the group in 2013, accord- ing to the Bangor Daily News. Industry outreach has continued with the creation of a marketing toolkit that explains the campaign's purpose and anticipated benefi ts, and supplies creative elements that can be integrated into individual marketing eff orts. e use of digital platforms — versus broadcast and print ads — makes the initiative aff ordable, says Ouellette. Pooling resources helps both sides get more bang for their buck, extending Maine's reach into the Canadian market and vice versa. "We've all been looking for other partnerships and we happen to have people on both sides of the border who were really committed and believed in this partnership," says Arsenault. "It seemed to be the right time, and it made sense. Also, our industry sees the bene- fi ts because they're working individually and collectively to create partnerships on both sides of the border." Enthusiasm is high in the tourism industry, says Arsenault. " ey've had wonderful ideas," she says. "Everyone is excited about the potential this has in terms of growing their business — kayak operators on the Maine side, for example, partnering with kayak opera- tors on the New Brunswick side." "We're well positioned to be a strong partner in this because we are, of course, on the Canadian border," says Hitchings. "I'd say one of the greatest things for us is the increased communications and connections between New Brunswick and Maine tourism providers. A lot of ideas have gone back and forth about common resources that we can work together to promote. For example, we have the Schoodic International Sculpture Trail in Washington and Hancock counties. New Brunswick also has a sculpture trail. By connecting the two, we can create an international vacation." It's too soon to measure results. Anecdotally, both sides are seeing ben- efi ts. Visitation at Campobello was up in 2014, for example. New Brunswick tour operators are seeing "two-nation" travelers. Several small cruise lines have bought into the concept, and other businesses are incorporating the brand in their promotional materials. " e tangible we hope to achieve is providing greater opportunity for people to experience the inter-connected stories of our cultures," says Hitchings. "Stories help people engage with place, inspir- ing them to explore deeper, stay longer, and return more often. Ultimately, this results in an unforgettable experience for our visitors, and greater economic benefi ts for our communities." L a U r i e S c h r e i b e r , a w r i t e r b a s e d i n B a s s H a r b o r , c a n b e r e a c h e d a t e D i t o r i a l @ m a i n e b i z . b i z A City On The Move, See What We're All About. A City On The Move, See What We're All About. Team Approach – We bring all the necessary parties to the table to help ensure your experience in Brewer is seamless and straightforward. Your Business is Our Business – Whether you're just starting out, a mature company, or somewhere in between, we're passionate about making sure you succeed. Come and See Why Brewer Means Business. Your Business. 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